At The Park With Cousins ( Momimhar posted on June 5th, 2013 )

The little one and I are in Tyler right now with the folks.  We came over for a visit with them and cousins too.  She said she’s missing her cousins.  I asked her, “Who are your cousins?”  And she named them all.  So surprising that at two, my darling daughter is good in remembering names.  I guess it’s part of the kids’ brain development and I am happy that my little girl is developing really well.  The milestones are achieved just right.

Before heading to my sister-in-law’s house in Whitehouse, we stopped by at the folks’.  The plan of today’s visit was to go to my sister-in-law’s house and spend the night then we will spend the night at the grandparents’ house on Thursday.  But she will be having a job interview tomorrow morning so we’ll sleep over at Na-na and Paw-Paw’s house for two nights.

As soon as we arrived and parked by the sidewalk, the cousins ran toward us bringing the bags of little gifts for the little princess.  The little one was so happy to see them, too.  After playing for a while and eating a delicious meal (thanks to SIL for the yummy lasagna, garlic bread, and salad), my SIL and I agreed to take the kids to the City Park playground.  We thought the temperature would be little cool but the humidity is high so it’s still hot.  The kids and us had fun.


Kaye’s so happy to be with cousins.



A blossom from the huge Magnolia tree in the park.

We had a great time!  The kids still wanted to play but it was time to go home.  I was amazed with the huge tree in the park blooming a bunch of big white flowers all over it.  I asked my SIL what’s the name of the tree.  She said it’s Magnolia.  And the flowers smell so fragrant.  So she got me a couple of flowers from the tree.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to take photos because my cellphone’s battery was drained and SIL didn’t bring hers.

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11 responses

  1. I love the flower! It’s nice to bond with cousins!

  2. Sharon says:

    Love your magnolia blossom! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  3. Nova S says:

    aww..another wonderful day for the kids to have fun in the park. that flower is so pretty. i love how it’s so white and unique

  4. Family is so important for kids. I wish ours was bigger than it is. I love that she can remember all the names of cousins at such a young age. Kids can remember so much more than we can I think.

  5. It sounds like you had a wonderful day! I also love magnolia trees I can remember when I saw my first one. It was just beautiful!

  6. becca says:

    hanging out with ones cousins is always fun

  7. April says:

    i wish my kids got cousins too, but they are the first grandkids on both sides.

  8. Mel Cole says:

    that is really fun moment for the kids. I love that magnolia flower. It’s gorgeous!

  9. Cyndie says:

    Love going to the park but you are not supposed to pick the flowers!

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