Monthly Archives:July 2013

Does Hiring A Tutor Has An Advantage To Kids’ Learning? ( Momimhar posted on July 30th, 2013 )

Niece and nephews will be having their first periodical examinations in school next month.  My sister and my sister-in-law are getting busy in preparing their kids to review the lessons.  I can say that my niece and nephews study hard but there is some topics that they needed more understanding and comprehension.  Math, for example, is difficult.  Some kids comprehend very quickly.  Others don’t.  And some are in average skills – where I believe my bright bundles belong.

I talked to my sister about hiring a tutor for her kids.  Of course, the tutorial fee will add to their family’s monthly expenses.  But I thing it’ll help the kids well.  My sister and her husband haven’t came up to a decision yet.  They are still working on stretching their budget.

I would really like to have a tutor for my niece and nephews to help them on their assignments and reviews.  It is a great advantage having a tutor teaching kids more on the subject matter and catching up missed lessons.  I wish I am there to help them with their assignments or lessons.  I say, I worked as a tutor as a sideline job when I was single.  My niece and nephews were little at that time.

Gladly, the kids are really enthusiastic.  They enjoy school and participates in class activities and discussions.  Also, the important thing is that, they get high  grades in quizzes and tests.  Hopefully, they’ll do great this year too.

Pool Party For Cousin ( Momimhar posted on July 27th, 2013 )

It’s another great weekend with family today.  We went to a pool party for dear husband’s nephew (DD’s cousin) in Prosper.  The party was to celebrate nephew’s acceptance to the Navy school and scholarship.  Outstanding, huh?  Yea, we are so proud of him.

So, we were able to come and join the fun because it’s a Saturday and DH came with us, too.  I was very glad because he can go and watch our darling daughter in the pool.  It’s also a special occasion so the family’s there.  The theme of the party was patriotic so there was red, white, blue, and stars in the decor.

This time, I was able to join DD and DH in the pool.  Good thing that the monthly sickness was gone and I was in a good mood.  We had a great time swimming and playing in the water.  When we’re in the pool, my little girl just hangs on to me like a tick.  😀  I was trying to let her kick her legs like what the instructor at YMCA taught.  But she just wants to play in the water.  Splashing here and there.  🙂

At the pavilion, my in-laws were having fun talking and catching up.  My husband’s parents came over for the occasion, too.  There were hamburgers, hotdogs, cupcakes, cake, salad, chips and dips, and lots of drinks at the party.

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Categories: family, lifestyle, niece and nephew, occasion, party occasions

Securing The Future Of Your Family ( Momimhar posted on July 16th, 2013 )

My husband and I were talking recently about his business plans.  He is working on the side right now for a product that will be useful to electronics companies, engineering, and information technology students.  Then the topic switched to our family’s future in the coming years.  Our darling daughter will be in school in a few years and we need to come up with a good plan to earn  money other than getting paychecks.  In addition, saving money is also one of the big priority.  We want her schooling to be easy and worry-free up to college.  We are trying to cut our monthly bills and pay our credit extra so we won’t be having a big balance.  One of the bills we’re paying every month is insurance.  We want everything to be insured and secure.

I remember my co-employee before told me to buy an insurance policy for my parents.  I was shopping around insurance companies’ website including  What I needed was the cheapest family insurance coverage that my parents can afford.  I told my co-employee that I will talk to my parents about it because they haven’t heard about family insurance before.

Envisioning a bright and secure future can inspire people.  Especially if  we have young children who need our guidance and security.  What’s important is we, parents, plan and work hard so not only us can benefit to a comfortable life in the future but our kids as well.  We are praying and hoping everything will go as planned.

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Categories: college, education, family

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