Daily Archives: 09/15/2012

Big Yard And Beautiful Garden For The Family ( Momimhar posted on September 15th, 2012 )

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts Miracle-Gro for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

One of the advantages of having a bigger lawn is that there is a wide area for outdoor activities that my family enjoys doing such as playing ball games, running, and splashing on a hot summer day. My toddler loves the outdoors too and she enjoys it when we ride around on the John Deere. In addition, we can do gardening wherever we want in the yard.


We already ended our vegetable garden for the summer. I can say that we had a pretty good harvest this year. Since cold weather is approaching, the next project is to do a container gardening in my front porch. It hasn't been taken care of lately because we were always focused on vegetable gardening. This time, I want my front porch too look welcoming with the beauty of Fall plants. And I think I am ready for Fall gardening. As you know, there are lots of gardening ideas out there to help us become inspired and Find beauty in the Fall. So here is my inspiration as of the moment.

Source: bhg.com via Anita on Pinterest

I have always wanted to have a garden like this but never had the chance. Gardening requires time and hard work. There are few things to consider before planting Fall plants. But the most important is to choose the plant food so the garden will remain healthy looking throughout the Fall. And using Miracle-Gro plant food is best for ornamental pot plants. And here's what I will be needing:

• Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix:
Ideal for all kinds of container or potted plants
Feeds plants for up to 6 months with Miracle-Gro Continuous Release Plant Food
Rich, organic materials help improve drainage and air flow
• Miracle-Gro® LiquaFeed®
Makes Feeding as Easy as Watering
Feeds plants through leaves and roots
For use with all flowers, vegetables, trees and shrubs

Hopefully, I will be able to reach this goal for my home. My family will surely love to help. And if you want to get help on Fall plant and feed, visit Miracle-Gro Facebook page for tips.

MiracleGro Logo(1).jpg

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Categories: lifestyle

Oh No, We Are Catching The Colds! ( Momimhar posted on September 15th, 2012 )

Obviously a virus is roaming around the house right now.  Our little girl is presently not feeling well because of the colds.  And now my husband and I are getting it too.  I am having a head and nasal congestion.  My husband is sneezing and sniffing.  There’s a bit of coughing too.  Sickness is not welcome!  But here it is.  Changing of season is one of the reason also.

We have cough and colds medicine ready on the kitchen counter.  Vicks vapor rub, fever reducer, and an allergy medicine for our daughter is within reach. Lots of juice, fruits, and ready-to-eat food are in the fridge.

It is bad when I get sick because migraine attacks.  Nothing can be done in the house and I feel nauseous all the time.  That is why I keep a pain reliever medicine available in case of a headache.  Geez…this is undesirable.  I hope we’ll get rid of this colds very soon.  Seeing my family feeling miserable because of this colds breaks my heart.

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Categories: baby care, family, health, home remedies

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