Monthly Archives:August 2012

Shopped For School Shoes For The Kids ( Momimhar posted on August 25th, 2012 )

Oh, I am pretty excited about my purchases recently.  Yeah I availed Famous Footwear’s BOGO offer for Back-to-School promo.  I bought pairs of school shoes for my sisters, niece, and nephews.  One I really liked is the Reebok EasyTone athletic shoes.  Geez, they did not have a size 5.  I should’ve bought a pair for myself too.

Anyway, my sisters are getting anxious about their new shoes.  Well, I told them I will be bringing them with us when we go in December.  That would be our Christmas gift to them.  So next year they will have new shoes to wear to school.  In addition, the package of gifts has shipped.  Hopefully, it will be delivered in December while we’re there.

Like I said before, the kids back home need new shoes to wear to school-preferably rain boots on rainy days.  Those will prevent their feet from getting wet in mud and puddles.  Also rain boots protect their feet from getting dirty.  We do not want them to get sick on rainy days.  This time of the year is wet in the Philippines.  So chances of bad weather and rain is high because of storms.  So good rain gear to wear to school such as rain boots and durable school shoes are very beneficial.  Hurray to BOGO on footwear!

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Categories: child safety, health, kids, shopping

The New Baby Is Here! ( Momimhar posted on August 23rd, 2012 )

My cousin gave birth to a healthy baby girl yesterday afternoon.  She had an induced delivery again.  We thought she will experience labor on the second pregnancy.  The baby’s due date was August 21.  But the her doctor said that if she won’t be into labor, she’ll be induced on the 22nd. We’re pretty excited.

My daughter and I came over to their house for a visit and see the new baby.  Oh she’s so adorable!  Reminds me of my little girl when she came out.  I got to hold the baby and, oh she was so tiny.  I felt a little emotional looking at my darling daughter growing up so fast.

My cousin’s recovery is pretty quick because she had normal delivery.  What she has to deal with right now is taking care of two kids-toddler and a newborn.  Plus, baby blues attacks without notice.  Well, it’s her second baby and I know she can handle everything.  But I am here to help her.  She knows that.  Motherhood ain’t easy.

Our toddlers get along very well so I hope the new baby, when she gets bigger, will be happy to play with them.  Boy, three little girls.  My husband said that there will be three drama queens in addition to me and my cousin.  Blah!!! Whatever.  😀

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Categories: baby, family, Induced delivery, pregnancy

Compliments For Good Deeds ( Momimhar posted on August 17th, 2012 )

I remember when I was a child, my parents are always proud whenever I do a good deed especially when I am nice to my siblings, niece, and nephews.  Even the people around me are happy too.  I get compliments from our neighbors because I was a good girl.  Also, accomplishing a task or getting big achievements in school pleases them  so they give me a nice perfect gift or something.

Now that I am a parent, I want to show my daughter that being a good person does magic.  And nice things await when we are respectful and helpful to others.

I can say that one of those nice things came to me.  I was visited by the Fairy Hobmother.  In fact, he sprinkled some sparkly pixie dust on Mommy’s Bright Bundles.  He knows that I am doing a good job taking care of my little princess.  And so, he spent few moments spreading cheer in my blog.

The Fairy Hobmother is traveling all over the blogosphere to spread joy and happiness to everyone.  Before he came in here, he recently visited the Appliances Online.  Want to be visited by our cheerful Fairy Hobmother?  Simply follow him on twitter, @FairyHobmother.  And don’t forget to please leave a comment here to tell our fairy how much you would love to accommodate him in your blogs.  ‘You excited?

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Categories: family values, Internet, parenting

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