Daily Archives: 09/16/2012

A Complete Rest Really Works When You Are Sick ( Momimhar posted on September 16th, 2012 )

Baby is feeling a little better now.  She is not irritable and the fever only lasted for one day.  Though she is still a little warm, the fever reducer medicine helped keeping it down.  Besides medicine, simple home remedies for colds like boiling water (the steam serves as dehumidifier), rubbing Vicks, healthy diet, and complete rest really work.

I remember my mother did not allow us siblings to take a bath when we are not feeling well especially when we are running a fever.  Because we do not have money to go to the doctor, we rely on over-the-counter pain relievers and medicinal plants.  She said the fever has to subside completely then we can take a bath or it will come back.  I do not know if it was a myth but I believed her.  She let us rest and relax at home.  No play time.  Even when I was a child I hated being sick.  It’s not only because I am missing things but I don’t like the feeling of being sick.

Anyway, I am invited to a party today.  There is no way I can decline so I am going.  My husband will take care of baby while I am away.  Mommies, like me, need to out sometimes too.

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Categories: baby care, home remedies, motherhood

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