Daily Archives: 11/26/2013

Potty Training – It Comes Naturally When Your Child Is Ready ( Momimhar posted on November 26th, 2013 )

Kaye goes to potty!  Yes my darling daughter is already potty trained.  But not by me.  She just asked me one day that she wants to go to the bathroom.  Oh, I remember!  We were visiting her grandparents two weeks ago and while we were there, she asked me “Mommy, can I go potty?”.  What a good girl!  I was so happy about this.  I gave her lots of compliments for reaching this big milestone.  My mother-in-law was so proud.  We are all proud our little princess!

You see, I tried potty training DD when she was 2 1/2 years old.  The potty training didn’t succeed that time because or maybe she wasn’t ready yet.  The problem was, she got constipation.  I was very worried about my little one those times because she started screaming in pain when she wants to go.  My husband thought she’s having urinary problems.  So I took her to her pediatrician immediately.  The doctor gave DD a check-up and she assured me that everything’s well except for the constipation.  The first thing the pediatrician asked me was if I started potty training her.  I told the doctor that I tried doing so the week before DD got the bowel movement problem.  The doctor explained to me that another reason for constipation in toddlers is potty training because they are still hesitant to go and they try to hold it.  The best thing to do is to encourage them to go to the bathroom when it’s time.  And give them compliments when they do.  After the visit to the pediatrician, I stopped the potty training.

I remember one of my girl friends told me that her little girl started going to the potty when she was about to turn 3.  She also said to just wait and not to force my child if she is not ready for potty training yet.  Potty training will come naturally when she knows that she’s ready.  And so, I waited patiently for that moment and yes!  She did it!  At her Na-na and Paw-Paw’s house, DD asked me to take her to the bathroom because she wants to go potty.  Hurray! We’re so proud of our sweet princess.

So proud of her!

So proud of her!

Nostalgic Summer Past Times To Keep Your Kids Entertained ( Momimhar posted on November 26th, 2013 )

Reminiscing on the summer months always creates a sense of nostalgia. Time seems to move slower, the chirping of cicadas in the distance is comforting and the sense of freedom and lack of discipline you feel is overwhelming. For some, summer means schools out, the briefcase is stashed to the darkest realms of the closet, the swimsuits are hanging on the line and there might even be a whirlwind romance worthy of Danny and Sandy. One thing I think we can all agree on is the best memories of our youth are the ones we experienced during summer. Now that we are a bit older (and hopefully wiser) the time has come to conjure up fun ways to keep our kids entertained throughout the holiday break. While we all know that they will be gallivanting around with friends for the most part, there are plenty of old timey activities that we used to do as kids that will still be fun for the even the most technological reliant kids of today.

Marshmallows around the Campfire

No one knows who created this age old tradition, but huddling on a couple of neatly placed logs around the campfire and casting a marshmallow over a roaring flame is a staple to any camping trip. It didn’t matter so much if you weren’t a lover of marshmallows, it was all about seeking the best stick to do the job and watching the marshmallow slowly transform into a flaming ball of gooey goodness. Everyone always had a different idea of just right, whether you like it blackened or whether you preferred is gently browned. Regardless of this, once you put it in your mouth, you realise that the sweet taste of the marshmallow had a secret flavour only known when roasted.

Relaxing at the beach

Beaches and summer go hand-in-hand, you simply can’t have a summer without paying a visit to the beach at least once. Spend the day splashing in the ocean, laying the sand with a mindless book, building the biggest sandcastle known to man or bury Dad up to his head and giving him a body made of sand.

Outdoor Water Party

Yes, I know, water consumption during the summer is important, but there’s nothing like running around in a shower of water on a sweltering day. Once the kids start to get bored of the sprinklers, then you can bust out the big guns – the oh so adventurous Slip ‘n’ Slide.

Summer is fun!

Summer is fun!

Kids having fun at the water park.

Kids having fun at the water park.

Staying cool at the movies

There’s two reasons why heading into the dark confines of a movie theatre is a good idea during summer. For one, you can beat the heat under the cool whooshing of the cinema air conditioning and secondly, you can revel in some of the biggest blockbuster releases of the year.

Friendly competition with a bike race

A little friendly competition didn’t hurt anyone, did it? While a leisurely cycle on a warm day is good for taking in the sights and surroundings, an adrenaline filled contest to decipher who is has the best road bike and the quickest legs to take them over the finish line reins champion for entertaining ways to fill the day.

What is your favourite summer memory? Tell us your story in the comments below.

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