Monthly Archives:December 2013

Presents From Santa :) ( Momimhar posted on December 26th, 2013 )

My Christmas gifts:  Flowers from DD and the electronics are from DH.  I love them all!

My Christmas gifts: Flowers from DD and the electronics are from DH. I love them all!

Well, I didn’t expect dear husband will give me a new laptop.  I guess it is time to replace the other one that my DD dropped recently.   Yes my friends.  You are right!  It’s time for replacement.  Thanks so much to the hubby for being so thoughtful and understanding always.  Now I will be very much careful with this one.  And a nice new Samsung digital camera is awesome.  This will surely help me take good pictures of my darling daughter, photos for blogs and for the items I have for sale online.  Awesome!

DD got a new bicycle with training wheels and a tent.  Dear husband and I set up the tent and the bike as soon as DD went to bed on Christmas Eve after opening her presents.  She didn’t noticed them when she woke up early in the morning yesterday and walked to our bedroom to snuggle with us (the usual).  It was 10:00 A.M. when she finally noticed her gifts from Santa.  She was very happy to see the bicycle.  What’s funny was DH asked where the tent came from.  DD answered in question, “From the pick up?”  I laughed because she thought I bought the tent from a garage sale online then I went and picked it up.

Anyway, besides the usual mess in the our living room with toys and stuff, the new ones were added to the clutters.  But it feels good too see our little girl enjoyed opening her gifts and playing with her toys and so proud that they came from the people who love her.  Of course, she  wanted more presents from Santa.  That’s what she said while we were saying our prayers last night. 🙂  Ah, 3-year-olds.

Elephant tent. So cute!

The elephant tent. So cute!

Her first Christmas stocking.

Her first Christmas stocking.

And then what we gave Santa as a Christmas present is a nice polo shirt from his favorite designer brand.  He liked it!  We made Santa happy too.  🙂

Lovely Christmas Presents :) ( Momimhar posted on December 25th, 2013 )

This is the very first time that our family spend Christmas in our home.  And this is the first time darling daughter will open presents from family, godparents, friends, and Santa.  She was very anxious since two weeks ago.

Last night, on Christmas Eve, she opened presents given to her by my girl friends.  DD was very happy to receive an iTikes (also can be used with iPad), art set, toys, and clothing especially outfits from her ninang Rose of Kids E-Connection.  My gift to DD was called the ‘secret’-a family fishing game.  I called it secret because I bought the item while we were shopping last week at a toy store.  She didn’t see it until we were getting in the car.  She saw the box in the shopping bag.  And then she asked me questions like what’s in the bag and stuff.  So I told her it’s a secret.  I wrapped the fishing game toy two days before Christmas Eve and she has been asking me if she can open the ‘secret’.  So funny.

But before dinner, a neighbor came over and brought us a basket of fruits with a greeting card.  It’s so sweet of them to come and wish us happy holidays.  I gave them a photo greeting card and wish them season’s greetings in return.


A fruit basket with a greeting card from the neighbor.

After eating a special dinner for Christmas or Noche Buena, opening presents came next.  DD and I were very happy with the gifts we received from Santa.  😉

This outfit is from godmother (ninang) Rose.

This outfit is from godmother (ninang) Rose.

A present from her godparents Al and June.

A present from her godparents Al and June.

How about you?  What did you get for Christmas?


Christmas Eve At Home ( Momimhar posted on December 23rd, 2013 )

Our little one was very excited and anxious to open her Christmas presents under the Christmas tree since I began wrapping gifts which is two weeks ago.  She kept on asking me and dear husband if she can open her gifts already.  We just told her to wait for Christmas Eve.  Good thing DD didn’t insist.

But this morning, after drinking her chocolate milk, she entered my bedroom and got very quiet in there.  I called her name and asked what she’s doing.  Then she came out looking so excited showing me the lady bug sticker which is in her stocking hung on daddy’s dresser.  So she was peeking in her Christmas stocking!  What a clever girl.

"I got a lady bug sticker.  See?"

“I got a lady bug sticker. See?”

So we just let her take the sticker.  That made her busy for the whole morning today.

Traditionally, in the Philippines, we prepare Noche Buena or Christmas dinner.  The whole family goes to church for mass on Christmas Eve.  Then everyone enjoys the Christmas dinner and opening gifts after that. It was only this morning when dear husband and I decided what to cook for our Noche Buena.  I made stir-fry noodles (pansit) and fried some country style pork shoulder.  We bought a champagne at Wal-Mart and he prepared a Mimosa for me.  🙂  And as you know, this will be the very first time we will spend Christmas at our home.

My Mimosa.  Cheers!  Happy Holidays!

My Mimosa. Cheers! Happy Holidays!

I thought of my cousin Emz and asked if it’s okay to come over to their place because I am bringing some pansit to her.  Gladly they’re already home from church.  Besides bringing food and Christmas gifts to them this Christmas Eve, we also went to wish them a Happy Christmas.  Our little girls want to play.  They went to Audrey’s room and start gathering a few toys out.  But we already told DD that we won’t stay long.  We just came over to wish cousins Merry Christmas.  Good thing she didn’t fuss.  The girls were so anxious about opening presents.

Presents for the Jones family are ready.

Presents for the Jones family are ready.

It was very cold outside but we’re not getting any snow for Christmas this year.  But Texas, somehow, gets it hopefully soon. 🙂 Have a Holly Jolly Christmas everyone!

How about you?  What’s your plan on Christmas Eve?

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