As we entered the Spring semester of school, my darling daughter had became a bit busy. It’s because the sport she wanted to join in was starting. It’s track season and track meets are already on schedule.
Few days ago, the second Track Meet was held at a nearby school. My darling daughter was picked to compete in the 2400 long distance run. It was her very first run, I would say. She was very nervous and excited at the same time. Me on the sidelines was feeling nervous as well. I thought she will stop running halfway but she completed the run. I’m so proud of my baby girl! She’s growing into an amazing young athlete.
Next week, she will be competing in the 800 meters at the third Track Meet. She’s looking forward to it.
Yes, you heard it right. We have a cheerleader. I am an official cheer mom now. 😀 I was a soccer mom, basketball mom, and now a cheer mom. It’s not for school, though. My darling daughter is currently in the competitive cheer. She joined the school’s cheer camp this summer because she was thinking of trying out for the school cheer. But she changed her mind and wanted to do competitive cheer instead. So, I’m sharing some photos from the first competition last weekend.
Cheer team photo
Well, it’s not the actual competition yet. It’s the gym showcase but there were judges there to give scores and evaluate routines. That’s what I heard. Anyway, I am kind of excited for our first season of competitive cheer. My darling daughter seemed to be enjoying it so far. As long as she’s having fun, that’s all that matters.
Bunny cheered for K and her team, too. 🙂
If you are a cheer mom or cheer dad, what do you think of this sport / activity? How’s your experience? I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you very much.
Last night, darling daughter’s school hosted a Multicultural Fair. The event was featuring countries like China, Ethiopia, Germany, Mexico, The Philippines, Ukraine, and others. For some reason, I overlooked the Sign-Up Genius email from the school that required volunteers for the event. So it was the last minute action on my side to volunteer to assist in The Philippines’ assigned hallway.
Checking in for the flight. 🙂
Quick fun facts about The Philippines were already posted in the hallway. Snacks and arts and crafts materials were ready on the table. But before the students (with their parents) can visit the countries in the hallways, the students–who are also the tourists, had to undergo the check in process using their “passports” to board the plane (gym area). It was cool because these little passports were prepared ahead of time by the assigned faculty. After a quick orientation on-board, the plane landed and the tourists went safely to their destinations.
On-board the plane. 😀
My job was to act as an immigration officer and stamp the “tourists” (students) passports. It was a lot of fun stamping and sharing some facts about The Philippines at the same time. I even met and chatted with parents who visited The Philippines. I had a great time with the conversations and sharing experiences. Also, I met two Filipino families. That was awesome.
Me as the immigration officer. 😀
Jeepney arts and crafts.
I wish I had the chance to go around the school to check on other countries’ showcase of food, culture, and fun facts. Maybe next year. 🙂