Category Archive:sports

Thank You For Your Valued Support ( Momimhar posted on May 30th, 2024 )

This is to thank everyone who donated to my darling daughter’s middles school fundraiser. We were able to fill the Pick A Date To Donate Calendar and gathered the desired funds for this school year’s cheer season. We appreciate each and everyone of you who were very generous and supportive. Thank you all so much for a very successful fundraiser! It is going to be an awesome season. Please wish us the best of luck.

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Categories: cheer, education, fundraiser, kids, school, sports

Pick A Day To Donate EMS Cheer Fundraiser ( Momimhar posted on April 25th, 2024 )

Greetings, friends! I hope this message finds you well.

I am reaching out to your kind hearts to support my darling daughter’s middle school cheer fundraising campaign. It is called Pick A Day To Donate. Attached is the calendar to the said fundraiser.

How does it work? You will pick a date/day of your choice to donate. Example: If you picked Day 7, you’ll donate $7. If you picked Days 7 and 8, you’ll donate $15 (7+8), and so on. Of course, any amount is highly appreciated.

You may send your donation via PayPal at mgmarly at gmail dot com . With your generosity, we are hoping to fully mark the calendar before the deadline, May 20, 2024.

My daughter Kay is excited to be a part of the middle school cheer squad this coming school year. Funds raised from this campaign will help with the competition costs, practice mats, cold weather gear, and the likes.

We appreciate your valued support and thank you so much for your time.


Marly Sefcik

Track and Field Long Distance Run Athlete ( Momimhar posted on March 23rd, 2024 )

Long Distance Run 2400

As we entered the Spring semester of school, my darling daughter had became a bit busy. It’s because the sport she wanted to join in was starting. It’s track season and track meets are already on schedule.

Few days ago, the second Track Meet was held at a nearby school. My darling daughter was picked to compete in the 2400 long distance run. It was her very first run, I would say. She was very nervous and excited at the same time. Me on the sidelines was feeling nervous as well. I thought she will stop running halfway but she completed the run. I’m so proud of my baby girl! She’s growing into an amazing young athlete.

Next week, she will be competing in the 800 meters at the third Track Meet. She’s looking forward to it.

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Categories: active kids, competition, milestone, sports, track and field, track meet, training

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