Daily Archives: 11/20/2013

Family’s Mini Vacation In Austin ( Momimhar posted on November 20th, 2013 )

It was a great week to go for a trip.  My dear husband and I together with darling daughter went to Austin to have a mini vacation.  Also our vacation includes going to The Fresh Beat Band Concert in Austin.  I have bought the tickets in the Spring because this concert get sold out immediately.  Luckily I found tickets available.


The Fresh Beat Band from left to right: Shout, Marina, Twist, and Kiki.  Photo from their Facebook page.

My little girl loves the band.  The characters sing and dance on their show on television in Nick Jr., DD sings and dances too.  I also like them because they have nice songs like “A Friend Like You”, “Here We Go”, “Music, and “Great Day” are some of our favorites in their album.  DD and I were so excited to see them performing live in concert.  DD did a great job during our trip.  She was behaved in the hotel and in the restaurants.  She didn’t give us a headache.  She’s always a good girl and listens to us.

Ready to watch the concert.

Ready to watch the concert.

Arriving early at the concert, I was having fun taking pictures. :)

Arriving early at the concert, I was having fun taking pictures. 🙂

In the ACL (Austin City Limits) Moody Theatre.  Seats are filling in.

In the ACL (Austin City Limits) Moody Theatre. Seats are filling in.


The concert is about to begin.

And here they are!

And here they are!

Here's Marina.

Here’s Marina.

And here's Kiki.

And here’s Kiki.

DD and the kids.

DD and the kids.

It was very cold that night but we took the opportunity to take a photo with Willie Neilsen's statue in front of the ACL.  :)

It was very cold that night but we took the opportunity to take a photo with Willie Neilsen’s statue in front of the ACL. 🙂

The concert was Wednesday evening so after visiting Inner Space Cavern and the Austin Capitol, we head back to the hotel and relaxed for an hour before going to the Austin City Limits (ACL) Moody Theatre where the concert was held.  The concert venue was in West Willy Neilsen Street in Downtown Austin.  DD got starstruck seeing the Fresh Beat Band members in person.  Well, watching a concert for the very first time made her a little uneasy because of the loud sound.  But when the audience and kids began cheering and singing, she felt at ease.  After the first set of the concert, DD and I walked to the stage.  I showed her the sound system and equipments and the band’s music instruments.  We were still in front of the stage when the band came back for the second set of the concert.  We got to see Kiki, Marina, Shout, and Twist up close.  My darling daughter was very happy.  She even wanted to up on the stage.  When the band sang the song “Great Day”, the concert was about to end.  So we sang and danced to the song.  The kids had a wonderful time.  Way to go, Fresh Beat Band!

I bought a souvenir for darling daughter.  A Rock Star jacket was what she wanted.

My little rock star. :)

My little rock star. 🙂

Convenience Is What We Want ( Momimhar posted on November 20th, 2013 )

As we all know, most of us are not using cash in paying for groceries, clothes, shoes, kids apparel, and gasoline.  And with big expenses such as tuition fees and travel expenses, we definitely pay using debit or credit cards.

When my family went to a long vacation last year, we paid most our expenses with our credit card.  Hotel accommodations, plane tickets, and ferry tickets were settled accordingly.  Our travel agent was very helpful in taking care of our travel needs.  My dear husband has been their client for years so he’s very confident with the travel agency’s service.

If a travel business is well-managed and well-taken care of, good customer service definitely shows it all.  It’s a tough competition in the travel industry.  Every aspect has to be up-to-date including ticket prices, tour rates, and airline policies.  When it comes to money matters, travel agencies trust reliable merchant account services in payment transactions.  Because mostly are paid with credit cards, travel agencies are provided with fast credit card payment services.  Sure is very convenient.  And if you know a travel agency that wants to try this service, CCP can help.

Convenience is what we always wanted especially when traveling with a toddler.  It was our first vacation together with DD and also met my side of the family for the very first time.  It was a wonderful vacation.

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