Daily Archives: 11/27/2013

“T” is for Turkey – Happy Thanksgiving Day! ( Momimhar posted on November 27th, 2013 )

Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone and to all my friends and family here in the US.  Another year is about to end and we are looking forward to the next year.  We have so many things to be thankful for.

Let us count our blessings and share with others.  The Almighty Father always provides.  We are grateful for the life, love, happiness, and opportunities that are given to us.  Storms come and go but still we are standing strong and hopeful.  There might be some mistakes in our decisions but those are part of life.  We learned and they made us wiser (don’t you think?).

Nothing is impossible if we sincerely pray for guidance.  We have our family and good friends who we love and cherish.  Everything in this world is worth be thankful for.  Be thankful every day.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

These are Kaye's finished arts and crafts from the Pre-K "T" is for Turkey party last Saturday.

These are Kaye’s finished arts and crafts from the Pre-K “T” is for Turkey party last Saturday.

I have plenty of things to be thankful for.  Below are some of them.  I am thankful for/that…

…good health and wellness.

…having a loving and understanding husband.

…husband’s job promotion.

…a healthy and smart daughter.

…supportive and caring in-laws.

…all of my family in the Philippines are safe after the super typhoon Haiyan.

…regular blogging opportunities.

…true friends (long time and new ones).

…every day.

…the Earth.

Everybody’s gathering at our folks house on Thanksgiving Day.  That means our darling daughter will be seeing her cousins tomorrow.  Sure would want my cousin and her family to go with us.  But her husband has to work on Friday so they decided just to stay home.  They came to visit us today.  DD and her cousins got to play this afternoon.  It’s always fun.

How about you?

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Categories: family, kids, Living, Thanksgiving Day

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