Daily Archives: 11/14/2013

She Dropped My Laptop ( Momimhar posted on November 14th, 2013 )

Oh dear!  What I am gonna do right now?  My laptop computer is not functioning right as of the moment.  My sweet darling daughter got a hold of my laptop the few days ago and she dropped it.  It was sitting on the dining table for moment after our delicious bacon and eggs breakfast.  I heard something dropped badly.  I didn’t think it was my laptop.  But when I came back to the dining area, I saw my computer on the floor whacked!  I felt very upset, of course first reaction.  But when my sweet darling daughter approached me quickly saying “I’m sorry, mommy” and gave me a tight hug, everything’s fine.  Ah, motherhood.

My dear husband suggested to find a laptop repair shop for my Dell computer.  Honestly, this is the second time my laptop is going to be repaired.  It’s really a pain when something in the house is broken and needs  fixing as ASAP.  My friends are teasing me about getting a new one.  I am not ignoring the idea of buying a new laptop.  But now, if I can get this one repaired good, I will keep it as long as it’s working well.  I just hope the parts don’t cost a fortune.

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