We just got home from a 3-day visit to DD’s grandparents. The drive home on Wednesday afternoon was a big challenge because it was raining hard from Tyler all the way to our house. Thankfully, my little one was taking a nap while the rain was pouring down over the Interstate. I was very careful because of the extremely low visibility on the road. Plus I was behind a big delivery truck and drove me nuts. Anyway, we safely arrived home. We always have a great time visiting the folks.
Then I remember my dear husband told us that we’ll carve a pumpkin the day before the Halloween. I had a big pumpkin on the front porch. DD was very excited about the thought that she will help carve a pumpkin. I haven’t carved a pumpkin before, ever. So this is the very first carved pumpkin for me and DD. We bought a pumpkin carving kit from Walmart a week ago. Because DD was very excited, she took the tools off the pack checking them one by one.
Tonight’s the night and we carved our very first Halloween pumpkin. First we picked a pattern from the kit – a cat. Then DH cleaned the pumpkin and removed the mushy thing inside it. We placed and traced the pattern on the pumpkin using a tracer.
After tracing, we removed the pattern from the pumpkin and began carving, following the poked dots on it.
DD was very happy about the result. I will show you the picture of the lighted pumpkin tomorrow. 🙂 For the meantime, I will tell take this opportunity to tell you that DD is gonna be a Pirate Princess on Trick or Treat tomorrow…not Jewel from Lalaloopsy.