Daily Archives: 11/06/2013

Darling Daughter’s First Halloween Costume Party 2013 ( Momimhar posted on November 6th, 2013 )

I think darling daughter had a great time at the Halloween Party at a friend’s house last Friday.  This is her very first Halloween Party she attended with me.  My cousin and her kids came with us, too.  It’s a costume party so we were in our cutest Halloween costumes.  First costume DD picked to wear for the occasion was the outfit of Jewel in Lalaloopsy.  But she saw a bumble bee costume at Walmart so I bought that.  She wore that costume at the Boo!  In Ballard Halloween Event in downtown Wylie.  I thought I would incorporate our costumes together.  But I couldn’t find a lady bug costume that fits me.  So I decided to find one that will give us a theme.  I found this Dainty Pirate costume for kids size 10-12.  It fits me very well.  Then I found the Pirate Princess costume for DD at a garage sale size 3T-4T.  Perfect!


Dainty Pirate and the Pirate Princess

The party was a potluck style so everyone brought a dish to share.  I broiled whole chicken.  Others brought some brisket, garden salad, fried fish, veggies stir-fry, and variation of dessert.  Since there will be kids at the party, I volunteered to be assigned with the Halloween games for kids.  The Halloween games I got online include:  Guess What’s In The Bag, The Mummy Game, Guess How Many, and Freeze Dance.  The kids had a great time.


Yummy food at the party.


The Mummy Game


Guess What’s In the Bag

Oh we had a so much fun!  The children got really excited when my friend started the disco.  Everyone danced.


Disco time!!!

We left the party two hours before darling daughter’s bedtime so we still had lots of time doing our bedtime routine without rushing.

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