Monthly Archives:April 2013

Keeping Your Little One Busy While You Are Working Outside ( Momimhar posted on April 29th, 2013 )

Like today, we went to Home Depot for plants to put in our flower beds.  And because my husband and I worked in the yard – hubby mowed the grass and I planted the flowers – we thought of something that will make our little princess busy outside.

Blowing bubbles – I think every young child loves blowing bubbles.  My darling daughter sure does.  She enjoys it very much.  So was playing with it while my husband and I were busy.


“Look, mommy! I can blow bubbles.”

Gardening – You can give your little one a rake and a shovel.  He or she can play with them and will try to help you with the planting.  It can be fun if you give your little one a task and you’ll see how they accomplish it.  Though it might need a little fixing.  But complimenting your child for a job well done and telling him or her how you appreciate the help will boost his or her confidence and sense of responsibility.

The Wagon – Put several gardening and tools toys in your kids’ wagon to play.  Kids enjoy pulling their toy wagon around.  Surely they will have fun picking up interesting stuff to put in their wagon as they walk around the front yard.

After I finished planting and my husband done mowing, we all watered the newly planted flowers.  Then we let our little one played in the sprinkler for a few minutes then we all had a good bath.

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Categories: gardening, indoor outdoor activities, kids, toys

Never Let Your Kids Ride With You Or With Someone On Motorcycles ( Momimhar posted on April 29th, 2013 )

Following child safety regulations on road travel is very important for everyone’s sake.  Accidents on the road happen everyday.  But if we are very attentive and we obey laws and regulations on road safety, we can avoid it.  We do not want that to happen to us or to anybody else especially to our children.

There’s a regulation from Land Transportation Office in the Philippines that strictly prohibits motorcycle drivers to have children under 12 years of age ride with them.  This regulation has been created for years yet most numbers of the general public don’t know about it.  According to them (this is based on the news I have seen on television few weeks ago), they don’t have any idea that there’s a regulation like this.  What a shame.  It is a common sense that we have to protect out kids from harm.  As a responsible person/individual, parent, or guardian, children’s safety and welfare should be our concern.

Kids shouldn’t ride with you on motorcycles.  It is DANGEROUS.  I always remind my brother to always take extra care on driving his motorcycle and should NEVER let his kids ride with him whenever they go places.  It’s the law and it’s our responsibility to look after our kids’ safety.

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Categories: child safety, family, family travels, kids, parenting, responsibility

Keep A Routine Exercise For A Healthy Cardiovascular System ( Momimhar posted on April 29th, 2013 )

Like everyone else in the family, my husband’s health is very important to be monitored and maintained, too.  This is because he is one of the most important person in the family.  He should always be around guiding and providing.  That is why he is not missing his periodical doctor’s appointments.

Being in the late 40’s, my darling husband is maintaining a prescription medicine for cholesterol.  We are happy to know that he is well taken care of very well.  One of the doctor’s advice is to keep an outdoor routine exercise for cardiovascular fitness.

When my darling husband was younger, he was a football player in school.  He trained so many times.  I can brag that besides being handsome, had a gorgeous toned body.  Training for the sport wasn’t very easy.  All players, including him, had to push a dummy way up hill.  Running was also a part of the training.  And to be able to monitor heart rates, Polar RCX 5 is a necessity that coaches them to train at the right intensity.

Keeping fit and healthy require lots of motivation.  Support of the family members is needed, too.  I want my darling husband to stay healthy and strong.  That is because my daughter and I need him to be by our side as long as we live.

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Categories: exercise, family, health

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