Compliments For Good Deeds ( Momimhar posted on August 17th, 2012 )

I remember when I was a child, my parents are always proud whenever I do a good deed especially when I am nice to my siblings, niece, and nephews.  Even the people around me are happy too.  I get compliments from our neighbors because I was a good girl.  Also, accomplishing a task or getting big achievements in school pleases them  so they give me a nice perfect gift or something.

Now that I am a parent, I want to show my daughter that being a good person does magic.  And nice things await when we are respectful and helpful to others.

I can say that one of those nice things came to me.  I was visited by the Fairy Hobmother.  In fact, he sprinkled some sparkly pixie dust on Mommy’s Bright Bundles.  He knows that I am doing a good job taking care of my little princess.  And so, he spent few moments spreading cheer in my blog.

The Fairy Hobmother is traveling all over the blogosphere to spread joy and happiness to everyone.  Before he came in here, he recently visited the Appliances Online.  Want to be visited by our cheerful Fairy Hobmother?  Simply follow him on twitter, @FairyHobmother.  And don’t forget to please leave a comment here to tell our fairy how much you would love to accommodate him in your blogs.  ‘You excited?

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COMMENTS: 7 Comments »

Categories: family values, Internet, parenting

7 responses

  1. Pepper Tan says:

    Congrats! Yes, I also try to instil that in my daughter- the value of doing good deeds.

    Oh, I hope the Fairy Hobmother stops by my blog too.

  2. Pinx says:

    congrats mommy! you really deserve it! we all do!

  3. zoan says:

    I reaally love the Fairy Hobmother, he visited my blogs already:) and I am glad that you have met him:)

  4. jheylo says:

    Oh congratulation Mhar…. I would love to be surprised by FairyHobmother too. I followed her on Twitter 😀 see you around Fairy Hob

  5. David says:

    Followed him @PostDavid.

    I hope he can visit my blog

  6. Jadey says:

    I am glad the Fairy visited you! He’s a very nice guy I heard!!

  7. jheylo says:

    oh wow, you are so fortunate sis Mharms, i wish pixie dust will shower me too 😀

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