Monthly Archives:July 2012

“No, Mommy. It’s Mine!” ( Momimhar posted on July 30th, 2012 )

Mommy:  “K honey, may I borrow the calculator please?”

Baby:  “No, mommy.  Yey-yens.”

Mommy:  “Just for a few minutes, K.”

Baby:  “No, mommy.  …is mine.”

Mommy:  “I will give the calculator back to you after I use it.”

Baby:  “No!  …is mine kah-yeh-tor.”

Mommy:  “Well, may I borrow it later?”

Baby:  “No, Mommy.”

This was our simple conversation this morning.  I was doing bills payment when my little princess climbed up on the chair at the table and quickly grabbed the calculator.  She ran to the living room and played with it.  I was ready to balance my checkbook when I asked the calculator from her.  She refused to give it to me.

As you may notice, she is saying 3-4 word sentence already.  My daughter is developing her speech within the timeline for the 19 month old toddler.  From 15 months, toddlers can speak more than 20 words and can construct a simple sentence.  At this age, they understand simple commands more.  It is very amazing how they develop their speech easily.  Reading books and explaining things to her help a lot.  At toddler stage, kids are very curious with everything.  My daughter always asks “What-this?”  My husband told me that the next she will ask is “Why?”.  That’s when we have to have our answers ready.

I am very amused that my daughter shows her wits and cute personality.  I love every moment I spend with her. As a mother, I will do my best to teach her and guide her to what is right, so she will grow smart and respectful.

Family-friendly Home Décor ( Momimhar posted on July 20th, 2012 )

You know how it is with kids – their stuff is everywhere. Managing clothing, toys, sporting goods, hobby and craft stuff can take a lot of time and effort. One great solution is to invest in pop-up hampers – they are there when you need them and fold flat for easy storage when you don’t. Use them to store spare bedding, sleeping mats and bags and extra pillows along with seasonal clothing and the like. Hampers in general can be very useful to store a wide variety of household items.

Use laundry room hampers as a way to teach kids how to pick up after themselves at an early age. Basic plastic clothes hampers in bright colors are perfect for storing toys; if you have more than one child let them choose a favorite color and then designate that color of hamper to store their stuff.  Hampers or clothes baskets can be used in the playroom or den and picking up toys can be incorporated into the play process.

Hampers are great in bedrooms too – use them to store stuffed animals, sporting goods and spare clothing. When children are small they can taught to put dirty clothing into a hamper or laundry basket long before they are able to reach and open and close bureau drawers.

If storage space is an issue you may wish to look into bed risers – these handy devices elevate the bed four or five inches to create extra storage space for little used items. Most college dorms have bed risers on the “must-have” checklist because space is at a premium; you will find these handy long before your kids are college-age. Another great idea is a clothes tree – these are helpful when you don’t have enough closet space or don’t want to put holes in the walls for hooks or racks.

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Categories: home, kids bedroom decor, shopping

It’s A Girl…Again ( Momimhar posted on July 19th, 2012 )

My cousin and I went to a birthday party few days ago.  I thought she won’t be able to come because of her condition.  She is in her last trimester of her pregnancy.  This is her second child and it’s a girl!  Ah-bee has a little sister.

It was great to see her looking good and staying healthy.  She told me before that she was diagnosed with Placente Previa.  It is a condition where the placenta maybe located in the lower part of the uterus covering the cervix outlet.  Some pregnant women gets it.  But as the pregnancy progresses, Placenta Previa resolves itself.  It was a good news she shared to me that she does not have it anymore.  Thank God!

I had complications with my pregnancy also – Gestational Diabetes, Infection, and Hypertension. It was difficult.  We were so thankful that my healthcare provider took very good care of me and my baby.

Now our babies are growing fast.  Ah-bee and Kaye are turning two years old in four months.  They both love being in the water.  So they enjoyed swimming at the birthday party.  It was held in recreation center with an indoor swimming pool.  A nice idea for a summer kids party.

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Categories: birthday party, children's party, pregnancy, pregnancy complications

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