Monthly Archives:June 2012

Create A Unique Look To Your Bathroom ( Momimhar posted on June 28th, 2012 )

My younger sister and her kids are probably in the big city right now to see what is happening for it is the Fiesta Day.  Every 28th and 29th of June, Ormoc City celebrates fiesta honoring the Sts. Peter and Paul.

When we talked via Facebook the other night, my sister said she would like to go to the city for the fiesta today.  She will be bringing her kids too.  I thought it would be good time to, at least, get out of the house for a bit.  She had been busy since the first day of school.  I would like my sister to have fun once in a while so she won’t get bored.  This is also a good chance that they can check and dine in our favorite restaurant in the city.  The restaurant serves grilled chicken with special fried rice.  Dessert is yummy too.  Halo-halo served in a freshly opened young coconut.  Aside from good food, I admire the restaurant’s cleanliness and rustic look.  From the front patio to the bathroom, the materials look good.  It’s unique sinks are eye-catching.  They look like the photo below.

This is called a bronze vessel sink.  If you like rustic look to your home or if you are planning to put up a restaurant and is thinking of a style that is unique  and different for the bathrooms, consider this type of sink.  The 955 vessel sink is made from pure bronze with one piece construction. The one piece construction ensures a strong, durable sink that will last a long time and the ancient vessel style is sure to add charm to any bathroom. This bronze sink is finished with a beautiful antique patina that will help to disguise minor scratches or blemishes that occur over time. The overall dimensions for the 955 are 16” x 6 ½” with a centered drain and an 18” minimum cabinet size.   Covered under a limited lifetime warranty for as long as you own the sink.  Cool huh?  This is an idea to brainstorm.

My thoughts are with my sister and her kids right now.  How I wish I am with them enjoying the view by the seawall while walking at the city park.  The excitement in the crowd is inviting.  Well, they have nothing to worry too because I sent them money for their bonding time today.

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Categories: bonding, family, home, restaurants

My Husband Keeps On Telling Me Not To Worry ( Momimhar posted on June 28th, 2012 )

I am very glad that my pregnancy went well.  There was a moment during my pregnancy when I got worried about my baby’s health like is she growing normal in my womb?  Will she have ten fingers and toes?  Is she getting the nutrition she needs for her development?  I was thinking about these things often.  My husband kept on telling me not to worry.  “Everything will be fine,” he said.  “Just follow what the doctor says.  Then both you and baby will be great.”

I remember this month two years ago when I had my AFP test (Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) in Blood).  This type of test is to determine Down Syndrome in pregnant women.  I was shocked when the nurse told me (after the test results) that there’s a possibility for baby to have Down Syndrome.  The recommendation was to see a Maternal-Fetal Specialist.  I called my husband right after my conversation with the nurse.  I was crying and very worried.  It was the 29th of June when we went to the specialist.  There, the nurses explained about the procedures to check/determine Down Syndrome.  My husband and I were firm with our decision not to do Amniocentesis (also referred to as amniotic fluid test or AFT).  The Maternal-Fetal Specialist did a high resolution ultrasound to see and measure baby’s bones.  We were relieved when he said that my baby is growing normal.  And he assured me that.  That was the day when we learned that we are expecting a baby girl.  That was a good news!

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Categories: baby development, first trimester, health, pregnancy

My Squirmer ( Momimhar posted on June 27th, 2012 )

As my daughter approaches toddlerhood, she’s filled with so much energy and does lots of activity. Well even when I was pregnant with her, she wiggles a lot inside my tummy.  She was reacting to the noise, responding to my voice, and settling to a comfortable position when I laid down to sleep.

Look how playful she is.  She loves her stuffed toys-wrestling and jumping on them.  I am not worried about my daughter’ health and development at all.  I think she is ahead.  My husband and I are happy that we are blessed with healthy and cheerful child.

One of her little tricks

Now she is 19 months old.  Approaching the ‘terrible twos’?  We’ll see.  To me, with proper discipline and real patience, I don’t think my daughter’s behavior will be difficult to handle.

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Categories: baby development, baby photos, child's health and fitness, infant, motherhood

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