Category Archive:baby photos

My Squirmer ( Momimhar posted on June 27th, 2012 )

As my daughter approaches toddlerhood, she’s filled with so much energy and does lots of activity. Well even when I was pregnant with her, she wiggles a lot inside my tummy.  She was reacting to the noise, responding to my voice, and settling to a comfortable position when I laid down to sleep.

Look how playful she is.  She loves her stuffed toys-wrestling and jumping on them.  I am not worried about my daughter’ health and development at all.  I think she is ahead.  My husband and I are happy that we are blessed with healthy and cheerful child.

One of her little tricks

Now she is 19 months old.  Approaching the ‘terrible twos’?  We’ll see.  To me, with proper discipline and real patience, I don’t think my daughter’s behavior will be difficult to handle.

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Categories: baby development, baby photos, child's health and fitness, infant, motherhood

Capturing Baby’s Precious Moments ( Momimhar posted on May 6th, 2012 )

Whenever I get the chance I took pictures of my little princess especially when she does tricks and silly things that are precious.  I am sending pictures of my daughter periodically to my family back home.  We do not do video chat more often so sending recent pictures through email gives them the idea of how my little one is growing, and to see her in different kinds of mood and occasion.

I had taken lots of photos from the day she was born.  I print copies once in a while but haven’t done recently.  My schedules are very occupied.  I already used three SD memory cards for the pictures.  I do not have a flash drive to store all photos in my computer.  So if it catches a virus again (heaven forbid), I had no defenses.  My husband said he’ll buy me a flash drive for my baby pictures.  That would be awesome.

For taking everyday photos, I only use Canon digital camera that my husband gave me on my birthday three years.  And, I think, it’s due for upgrade. Now that I have a wireless printer, a higher end of digital camera is in my wishlist.  Hopefully, Santa will grant my wish on Christmas so taking pictures with my little one will be more enjoyable.

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Categories: baby, baby photos, gift ideas

More Gifts For Baby ( Momimhar posted on December 26th, 2011 )

On Christmas day, we just hung out with my husband’s parents in their home.  My daughter loves being with her Na-na so much.  The played and played.  She follows her grandma even in the kitchen.  We all had a wonderful time on Christmas.

We arrived home at about 5:30 P.M. today.  My little girl and I continued opening the Christmas gifts from friends.  Besides gifts from the grandparents, aunts, and cousins, she got a set of Sesame Street mini-books from us.  That’s what was in the gift bag.

Christmas gift from mama and daddy

Then I helped her open the big box.  My husband and I were curious what’s in it.  To our surprise, it is a small  trike.  My dear friend gave my daughter a small trike!  Cool.  She can play and ride it when she gets a bit older.

Pink Trike from tita D

new stacking rings from tita N

My husband assembled the trike right after we opened the box.  Though she does not know how to pedal yet, my little one enjoys climbing and sitting on it for now.

Riding the trike backwards

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