Category Archive:Halloween costume

Kids Play Today At Home ( Momimhar posted on October 16th, 2013 )

Kids are happy to see each other today.  Kaye and her cousin Audrey are playing in our home right now wearing kids costumes.  They have been looking for each other for days.  It has been raining for few days now so my cousin and I haven’t got together for a play date.  Now they are having fun chasing each other and playing dress up.


My little bumble bee fairy. 🙂

The kids already ate some lunch so my cousin and I are finishing up the food.  While eating, we’re catching up on stuff.  I was telling her about our visit to Gymboree Play and Music last week.  My darling daughter had a great time playing for 45 minutes.  The play time was free because on their website, Gymboree Play and Music has a coupon (valid until October 31, 2013) offering a free play time for non-members.  It’s called Play and Music because Gymboree offers classes for young kids that involved pretend play, art, and music.  The level of classes is according to age range of the child.  They put my DD on the level 6 class for toddlers because she’s 2.

The schedules for Play and Music are Tuesdays and Thursdays.  The nearest location in our area is at The Villages in Allen.  I picked Thursday of last week.  As soon as I told my DD that she will join in the play area, she took off her shoes immediately and ran inside the room.  That day, they were pretending to be zoo keepers.  They pretend they were feeding a lion, an elephant, a monkey, and a crocodile.   They climbed, crawled, and slid.  There’s a coordinator in the play room who guides the children thru series of activities.  They sang and danced, too.  Every activity is accompanied by music and singing.  Lots of fun playing and learning at the same time.


Going through the tunnels.


Pretending that they’re feeding the crocodile.


Going to feed the monkeys!

I told my cousin that I didn’t enroll DD to the classes because Allen is far from my house.  I just tried going there that time to see how it works and of course, it was free.  If there’s a Gymboree Play and Music location closer to our area, I will definitely consider enrolling DD.  With my child’s activities so far, I am satisfied with her social exposures.  She’s very active and she is learning a lot.  My cousin also has a coupon.  She is thinking of taking her two girls to the Play and Music on Tuesday.

I am very happy that my cousin and I live close to each other because we can get together more often and the kids can be together for play time.

Why Do Kids Like Halloween? ( Momimhar posted on October 16th, 2013 )

Why kids like Halloween?  Because they can dress up whatever they like and they get to go to the neighbors and and say “Trick or Treat?” then they receive treats and goodies.  I don’t know but most children enjoy this occasion.

When we were kids, my siblings and I never experienced the Halloween.  We celebrate All Souls’ Day in the Philippines where we honor the loved ones who died.  It’s a Catholic belief.  We visit their tombs and offer prayers.  And as a tradition, the families of the deceased prepare special foods (usually the favorite foods of the deceased) and place those food on the altar with candles.  Then the family offers prayers for the salvation of the souls.  I remember those times when me, my siblings, and cousins join in the gathering but the only thing we had in mind was the yummy food to eat after the prayer session.  Oh, kids.

Here in the US it’s Halloween.  And it’s exciting for the children because they can go shopping for Halloween costumes and join the “Trick or Treat”.  My darling daughter is getting excited about trick or treating.  Now that she’s almost 3 years old, she already has an understanding about wearing costumes and going to the neighbors for Trick or Treat.  She even told me what costume she would like to wear for the occasion.  She can’t wait.  🙂

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Categories: Halloween costume, Happy Halloween, kids, occasion, shopping

Importance Of Pretend Play In Toddlers ( Momimhar posted on September 30th, 2013 )

At toddler stage, kids begin to expand their imaginations.  Their ability to imitate someone or something is starting to get stronger.  This is also the stage when the hunger for knowledge takes place, thus giving the correct information should be in the manner that is understandable.  Also at this age, we hear the “what” and “why” questions over and over.  So we keep answering their questions and we feel like we’re getting out of patience.  The reason why little kids want answers again and again because they try to retain those answers in their brains.  The we will be surprised how they remember those information.  So amazing.

And as with pretend plays, toddlers have big imaginations.  Tea parties, playing dress-ups, building blocks, and others are some of the games they play that they truly enjoy.  The can make their own stories while playing.  What’s amusing is that they will let us play with them, too.  When my darling daughter and I are playing superhero game, I play as a villain.  🙂

What helps enhance toddlers imagination?  Reading and play.  Reading with your toddler everyday not only helps with their speech and vocabulary development.  It also makes their brain work.  With pretend play, it encourages children to broaden their horizons and comprehension.

My little one is interested with princesses now so she likes princess gowns for dress-up.  We didn’t find a reasonably priced princess dress at the store the other day but we found this Lalaloopsy outfit with pink wig.  The price wasn’t too much so I bought it for her because she really liked it.  But I am not quite sure this will be her Halloween costume this year because there are lots of cute stuff in stores.


Wig from her favorite Lalaloopsy character.


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