Monthly Archives:November 2013

They Should Grant Consideration In Times Of Crisis ( Momimhar posted on November 30th, 2013 )

After a couple of weeks after the super typhoon Haiyan (local name Yolanda) hit the Philippines, I was able to contact my siblings.  My youngest sister who was in Cebu during the typhoon’s devastation in Central Visayas, was able to connect thru the Internet in the hotel where they stayed.  Gladly her cell phone has built-in WIFI service so she messaged me right away on Facebook as soon as she arrived from the Geriatric institution where she was in-training.  I was very worried that she can’t be reached, too.

So we made a plan.  Since she’s already in Cebu, I sent her money to buy groceries to give to our parents and our other siblings’ families.  But she encountered a problem in claiming the money at a MoneyGram agent (a pawnshop) in Cebu.  Her student identification wasn’t accepted as a valid ID.  The agent asked for another ID like a voter’s or a Postal.  But my sister didn’t have those because:

1.  her voter’s ID hasn’t been released yet after the National Elections summer of 2012 (if I am not mistaken with the date), and
2.  She didn’t have a Postal ID.

Because she was giving a hard time at the pawnshop, she sent me a text message telling me what’s going on.  I made a long distance call to talk to the manager pleading  and telling her that I am sending the money for my family in Leyte who was severely affected by the typhoon.  She can verify that my sister lives in Leyte by checking her student ID.  But the manager didn’t listen.  She didn’t understand the situation.  I totally understand that they need to ask for another identification from sister.  But in this critical situation, they should at least grand a situational consideration.  Don’t you think?  I called the MoneyGram here in the US requesting a note to release the money to my sister.  The MoneyGram customer service representative was very helpful.  He said will grant my request, but, the agent must call them.  Did the agent call?  Nope.  That was an addition to the most frustrating and disappointing experiences in my life!

My sister still got the money the next day thru her classmate.  Thanks so much to her classmate for being so nice and understanding.  My sister bought groceries in Cebu as soon as she got the funds.  Thankfully I was able send a message to my brother thru his wife’s cousin about our sister’s coming home from Cebu.  My brother fetched her at the ferry terminal in Ormoc.  When my brother told me that everybody’s fine after the typhoon and our sister got home safely.  Then I slept well again.

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Categories: calamity, crisis, family, money

The Kids Had So Much Fun On Thanksgiving Day ( Momimhar posted on November 28th, 2013 )

Greetings from Mommy's Bright Bundles

Greetings from Mommy’s Bright Bundles

Whether you’re with your family or traveling, I hope y’all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day celebration.  We all have so many things to be thankful for-the children in our lives, especially.  They bring pride and joy to us.  Their milestones and achievements bring happiness to our lives.  God bless our children.   God bless your families.

This year’s Thanksgiving Day celebration is at our folks’ house.  As usual, everyone gathers for the Thanksgiving feast as a tradition.  The young ones enjoyed being with each other playing and having fun.  From playing board games to running around in the backyard, the kids had so much enjoyment when they’re together.

DD with her cousins playing board games.

DD with her cousins playing board games.

As of now, DD is the youngest granddaughter in my hubby’s side of the family.  She is second to the youngest in mine.  My family misses her so much.  We look forward to see them again in a couple of years before DD goes to school.

When my sister-in-law got home from work, we started the Thanksgiving dinner.  My brother-in-law led the prayer.  My other brother-in-law and I sat with the kids at the dining area to make sure they’re eating good.  The rest went ahead at the formal dining.  So many delicious foods.  The turkey, the star of the occasion, was awesomely yummy!  Thanks to mom and dad.

How about you?  How’s your Thanksgiving Day?

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Categories: family, family reunion, holidays, home, kids, Thanksgiving Day

“T” is for Turkey – Happy Thanksgiving Day! ( Momimhar posted on November 27th, 2013 )

Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone and to all my friends and family here in the US.  Another year is about to end and we are looking forward to the next year.  We have so many things to be thankful for.

Let us count our blessings and share with others.  The Almighty Father always provides.  We are grateful for the life, love, happiness, and opportunities that are given to us.  Storms come and go but still we are standing strong and hopeful.  There might be some mistakes in our decisions but those are part of life.  We learned and they made us wiser (don’t you think?).

Nothing is impossible if we sincerely pray for guidance.  We have our family and good friends who we love and cherish.  Everything in this world is worth be thankful for.  Be thankful every day.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

These are Kaye's finished arts and crafts from the Pre-K "T" is for Turkey party last Saturday.

These are Kaye’s finished arts and crafts from the Pre-K “T” is for Turkey party last Saturday.

I have plenty of things to be thankful for.  Below are some of them.  I am thankful for/that…

…good health and wellness.

…having a loving and understanding husband.

…husband’s job promotion.

…a healthy and smart daughter.

…supportive and caring in-laws.

…all of my family in the Philippines are safe after the super typhoon Haiyan.

…regular blogging opportunities.

…true friends (long time and new ones).

…every day.

…the Earth.

Everybody’s gathering at our folks house on Thanksgiving Day.  That means our darling daughter will be seeing her cousins tomorrow.  Sure would want my cousin and her family to go with us.  But her husband has to work on Friday so they decided just to stay home.  They came to visit us today.  DD and her cousins got to play this afternoon.  It’s always fun.

How about you?

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Categories: family, kids, Living, Thanksgiving Day

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