The Kids Had So Much Fun On Thanksgiving Day ( Momimhar posted on November 28th, 2013 )

Greetings from Mommy's Bright Bundles

Greetings from Mommy’s Bright Bundles

Whether you’re with your family or traveling, I hope y’all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day celebration.  We all have so many things to be thankful for-the children in our lives, especially.  They bring pride and joy to us.  Their milestones and achievements bring happiness to our lives.  God bless our children.   God bless your families.

This year’s Thanksgiving Day celebration is at our folks’ house.  As usual, everyone gathers for the Thanksgiving feast as a tradition.  The young ones enjoyed being with each other playing and having fun.  From playing board games to running around in the backyard, the kids had so much enjoyment when they’re together.

DD with her cousins playing board games.

DD with her cousins playing board games.

As of now, DD is the youngest granddaughter in my hubby’s side of the family.  She is second to the youngest in mine.  My family misses her so much.  We look forward to see them again in a couple of years before DD goes to school.

When my sister-in-law got home from work, we started the Thanksgiving dinner.  My brother-in-law led the prayer.  My other brother-in-law and I sat with the kids at the dining area to make sure they’re eating good.  The rest went ahead at the formal dining.  So many delicious foods.  The turkey, the star of the occasion, was awesomely yummy!  Thanks to mom and dad.

How about you?  How’s your Thanksgiving Day?

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Categories: family, family reunion, holidays, home, kids, Thanksgiving Day

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