My friend’s daughter turned 5 today. Wow! How quick the time passes and how fast she is growing. We were invited to her birthday party held in Mesquite today. This time, it’s in a covered venue which is in a recreation center in Mesquite. With a high temperature of almost a hundred today, we wouldn’t be able to stand the heat outside. And the kids could have been fussy and irritable and sweaty, too. It’s a great idea that my friend and her husband held the birthday party indoors.
Getting to the venue was quite uneasy. I had to drive through a couple of streets because I missed the turn. I took the correct exit but instead of turning left, I continued driving straight which took me back to the Interstate. What an…! Good thing the next exit is closer so I just took that and went driving in squares until I reached the destination. Gladly we arrived on time. Hah!
My darling daughter and I loved the theme of this pretty birthday girl. She’s Batman! Her outfit is Batman. The cake and party supplies are batman. When we arrived, DD greeted her immediately. And I happen to hear this cute conversation:
DD: “Hi, KC! Happy birthday!”
KC: “Thank you!”
DD: “You’re wearing a costume? Are you a superhero?”
KC: “Yea, I am batman.”
DD: “Can you fly?”
KC: “Not yet.”
DD: “Oh.”
I was laughing inside myself. I thought it was funny but cute. Then afterward, they played ‘tag your it’.
It was a great and well-attended party. There were lots of food and dessert. Again, DD had a wonderful time at the party.
Thanks to my dear friend AR and family.