Knowledge is power and can be a key factor in determining employment and income levels. More people have access to higher education than ever before. Good education begins at an early age by following common core lesson plans for reading and mathematics.
Knowledge Increases Employment Opportunities
Adam Smith said the following about human capital: “The improved dexterity of a workman may be considered in the same light as a machine or instrument of trade which facilitates and abridges labor, and which, though it costs a certain expense, repays that expense with a profit. “While he was concentrating on the common laborer, this could also be applied to the entrepreneur who uses his mind to create innovative products and services. Every day, we can use vocabulary and mathematics to improve our lives.
The Standard Achievement Test (SAT) has been divided into two main groupings: 1) Math and 2) Communication. Math (along with the biology, chemistry and physics) are the laws on which our universe is founded. We create manufactured goods by mastering these physical laws. We make money by calculating the best return on our financial investment.
Written and oral communication begins at the most basic levels with our understanding of vocabulary, sentence structure and pronunciation. People will instantly judge you by how you speak. Your vocabulary, diction and pronunciation show if you are detail-oriented, precise and dedicated to excellence. Reading and mathematics create the foundation for a lifetime of learning.