Daily Archives: 11/08/2012

Why She Calls It ‘Owl’. ( Momimhar posted on November 8th, 2012 )

My darling daughter and I went to see a friend today.  Well, actually this is the second time we came over to her house for a visit.  She is also from the Philippines and married to an American citizen.  She has three girls.  The youngest is 1 year old.

My daughter likes to visit because she can play with the girls.  She enjoys the interaction and new things she sees.  There was this toy that my little girl was fascinated with.  The Furby pet plush toy from Hasbro.   It is a battery-operated plush toy that talks, walks, feeds virtually, and sleeps.  It responds to your touch, your music, and even to other furbys.  Well to feed the pet plush, there is an application for iPhone that can be used.  I can tell that my little girl really liked the toy because she did not let it go the moment she saw it from the girls’ toy box.  And you know what she calls it?  Owl.  Maybe because of its big eyes and beak that my little girl calls the toy Owl.

My baby’s Owl 🙂

She even grabbed it when it was time for us to go home.  So Furby might stay with us for a few days because I had to do some important errands this weekend.  I know I should not have let my daughter to take Furby home.

Image credit:  Google.com

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