Daily Archives: 11/07/2012

Portraits Taken ( Momimhar posted on November 7th, 2012 )

We had our portraits taken this Sunday at the Fire Department in our area.  Why at the Fire Department?  Because it was a fund-raising.  We supported the firemen on their fund-raising campaign to gather donations to the Fire Department volunteers.   The money they gather will be in their medical funds to help those firefighters who get injured on-duty for some medical needs.

Got to see the firetrucks

And then,  they offer free photo shoot including a free one big size portrait.  The Fire Department contacted a photographer to do the job.  Of course, they will offer a few shots too.  Then it’s the person’s choice to do it and pay extra to the photographer.  We won’t mind giving donations to a good cause like that.  Especially if we are able to help those who are serving the community.

Our daughter likes firetrucks.  She’s fascinated with them.  She just sees them in kids’ books.  And now, she’s very happy that she saw one.  One of the firefighter let us walk to where the trucks are and let the little one climb up to the driver’s seat.  Though she won’t be remembering this when she gets older, I thought it’s a great experience for my darling daughter to see real firetrucks as early as 23 months old. 🙂

We are scheduled to pick-up our portraits next Sunday.  We’ll see how it’ll turn out.  But I am excited. 🙂

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Categories: child's learning, family, portraits

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