Category Archive:product review

Refresh Rejuvenate and Revive with These Products – #ReviveVoxBox ( Momimhar posted on August 25th, 2016 )

With a busy life as moms, we need something to keep us moving and energetic in order to maintain our stamina for a healthy day to day living.  Not only we are working full-time or part-time on our jobs or working at home, we also work as a supermom to our families.  Balancing lifestyle and managing our time are sometimes hard especially if we are drained throughout the day.  We need to revive that energy.  What is revive by the way?

Revive – (verb) give new strength or energy to, refresh, rejuvenate…

Well, these products can help us sustain the energy lost from being super active and working hard. Let us revive and renew with these interesting wellness products.

#ReviveVoxBox Product Samples

#ReviveVoxBox Product Samples

I am glad to get this opportunity to receive complimentary products from Influenster for testing purposes.  Included in the Revive VoxBox are protein shakes from the Vitamin Shoppe and Body Tech.


The Vitamin Shoppe Next Step Fit N’ Full Shake Cookies and Cream

Body Tech Protein Shake Strawberries and Cream

Body Tech Protein Shake Strawberries and Cream

Plant Protein Vanilla

Plant Protein Vanilla

SnackWells Biscuit Thins Mint Chocolate Mocha

SnackWells Biscuit Thins Dark Chocolate Mocha


Hills Bros. Brew and Renew Coffee

Hills Bros. Brew and Renew Coffee


10% Off coupon from the Vitamin Shoppe

10% Off coupon from the Vitamin Shoppe

Shea Moisture Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Weightless Shampoo

Shea Moisture Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Weightless Shampoo

Free tumbler from Body Tech

Free tumbler from Body Tech

I think these products are great. I can’t wait to try them all. For more information about these products, kindly check them and follow them on social.  Profiles below:

The Vitamin Shoppe
Instagram – @VitaminShoppe
Twitter – @VitaminShoppe

SnackWell’s Biscuit Thins

Instagram- @SnackWellsBrand

Twitter – @SnackWellsBrand

Chock Full o’Nuts

Instagram – @ChockFullONutsNYC

Twitter – @ChockFullONuts

Hills Bros.

Instagram – @HillsBrosCoffee

Twitter – @HillsBrosCoffee

Kauai Coffee

Instagram – @KauaiCoffeeCo

Twitter – @KauaiCoffeeCo

Shea Moisture Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Weightless Shampoo

Instagram – @SheaMoisture4u

Twitter – @SheaMoisture

Have you found which ones you’d want to try yet? Check those product profiles list now for more helpful details.  And for a chance to receive complimentary products from Influenster, click here.

Dogs Like Familiarity ( Momimhar posted on January 30th, 2016 )

Whether you’ve been a dog owner for a short time or for many years, you’ve probably noticed that your dog seems to have a built-in clock that lets them know when it’s feeding time, when it’s time for family members to come home and when other regular daily activities are to occur. They also seem to have a way of knowing whether the ride you offer them is going to be a fun adventure or something they’d rather not participate in. Using smell as their guide, they know if the walk from the car is going to lead to the vet, a dog-friendly cafe or some other familiar destination. By observing your dog, you will probably discover that familiarity is important to them.

a-dog care


If your dog requires professional grooming and you take them to the same location each time, they will soon become familiar with the groomers and with the sounds and smells associated with the grooming facility. It can be helpful to your dog, if you select a facility that offers a variety of services such as grooming, boarding and daycare.


A trip to doggie day care michigan can be a fun experience for your dog. Finding a doggie day care facility that you are comfortable with involves visiting the facility, asking pertinent questions regarding staff qualifications, finding out about required pet vaccines and making a trial visit with your dog to determine how comfortable it is with other dogs. Day care visits should be a treat for your dog. It could be that you reserve day care visits for times when your dog would have to be alone for more than 8 hours. When the weather is not conducive for long walks, dog park adventures or outdoor playtime, a day at doggie daycare can provide your pet with an outlet for expending some energy.

a-dog park


Following a routine at home is a good way to support your dog’s desire for consistency and familiarity. Being consistent with meal time and potty time is beneficial to your dog. Keeping its leash, toys, beds and other items in the same location also supports your dog’s desire for consistency. Your dog will look forward to riding opportunities once it realizes that something fun is going to happen. It’s also important that everyone in your home be consistent in enforcing the rules that apply to your dog.

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Categories: Day Care, day care facility, family, pet care, pets

You Will Love To Collect These Itty Bittys ( Momimhar posted on January 10th, 2016 )

itty bittys® SPIDER-MAN Stuffed Toy

itty bittys® SPIDER-MAN Stuffed Toy

I was a surprised to receive this cute little thing on Christmas Eve.  It’s an itty bittys® SPIDER-MAN Stuffed Toy from Hallmark which is included in the #JingleVoxBox sent to me by #Influenster.  I showed it to my darling daughter and she loved it.  She actually wanted it to become one of her snuggle buddies but she decided to give it back to me because, she said, I don’t have a snuggle toy and it was given to me for Christmas.  Aww…I have the sweetest daughter in the world.

Hallmark has a collection called itty bittys® stuffed toys and stuffed animals characters from popular kids’ movies, television series, and kids’ shows such as Spider-man, Rainbow Brite, Scooby-doo, Star Wars, Frozen, and the likes.  You will really enjoy collecting these cute little things not only for your little ones but also for yourselves.  They measure not more than 4 inches long so they can be carried and stored easily.  Visit the nearest Hallmark stores near you for more #ittybittys collection.

I received this product complimentary from Influenster for testing and review purposes.  

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Categories: gift ideas, gifts, keepsake, potty training, product review, stuffed animals, stuffed toy, toys

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