Childhood Christmas Memories – Father’s Bring Home ( Momimhar posted on November 30th, 2011 )

There is always happiness when a family is having fun.  I remember when I was little girl, we do not go out-of-town for the Holidays.  We just stay at home and celebrate Christmas with the family.

When my father was still working in the factory that makes rubber slippers, our Christmas celebration was nice.  He would come home with lots of goodies from the company’s Christmas party – hams, fruit  cake, fruits, a large bag full of pairs of slippers in different colors and sizes, t-shirts, and calendars.  As soon as we saw that bag full of slippers, my siblings and I tried them on.  He even won a few raffle draws.  As  far as I can remember my father brought home a fan, gas stove, and dinnerware.   That was one of the wonderful Christmas moments of my childhood.

Though I was wishing for a family vacation to, I say, my aunt’s house in the province so my siblings and I can play with my cousins, it would not be possible because we did not have a budget for that.  But we had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas and New Year’s together at home because some of my aunts and cousins come to visit.  My aunts were giving us gifts like toys, clothes, and chocolates at Christmas.

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Categories: childhood memories, Christmas gifts, family, holidays

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