Category Archive:responsibility

I Will Be Working As A Substitute Teacher ( Momimhar posted on February 2nd, 2017 )

You know, I have been a stay-at-home mom for six years now.  I talked to my dear husband about working again.  I was a customer service associate at a Dillards department store in Fort Worth.  But because my pregnancy was a high risk case, I had to quit work.   I was under treatment from the first trimester up to the second trimester of my pregnancy due to a respiratory infection. Then I had gestational diabetes so I was on a strict diet.  Although my pregnancy was a challenge, I enjoyed it. The sacrifice was worth it.

Back to the idea of going back to work, my husband said it has to be a non-retail job.  You see in retail, you have to work on weekends and night shifts. Also, you have to work on holidays as well.

Now that my darling daughter is in Kindergarten, I had the chance to hunt for a job nearby.  My husband suggested to apply for a teaching or a non-teaching position at K’s school.  I checked online if there were job openings and I gladly saw one that I was interested in.  November of last year I applied for a substitute teacher position.  As you know, I taught Computer Fundamentals and Typing at a college in the Philippines.  So I had a bit of a teaching  background. 🙂 So I was called to attend the Substitute Teacher Professional Development Training/Seminar.  Part of the on-boarding, I went to IndetoGo in Allen to have my fingerprints taken (required background check for education purposes).  As soon as I submitted all the documents required, I got hired and my sub-teaching assignments will start next week.  It’s going to be challenging but it will be fun.  Besides,  I will be working at K’s school so she will be happy for sure.

It is another milestone.  Good luck to me.

Here’s How To Make A Living As Vendors ( Momimhar posted on September 2nd, 2015 )

I believe in saving for rainy days so there will be resources to use when we need them.  Saving money for the future is highly recommended.  And looking for good alternative ways to earn a living should be taken seriously.  Owning a family business is one great opportunity that we should not take for granted.

The popularity of street vendors has increased in recent years, with many vendors targeting business centers where they can offer their wares to busy workers dashing out for a quick lunch or snack. With the potential to own their own business and set their own hours, many vendors find the position to be a very desirable way to make a living.

First Things First

Starting out as a street vendor, it’s important to make sure you obtain the appropriate permits. Check with your city or county government to determine what you’ll need. In general, you’ll need a business license and a sales tax permit in addition to a vendor’s license, but be sure to check as this varies from state to state. If you’ll be selling food, many counties also require you to participate in a course from the Department of Health on proper food handling.

a-ice cream vendor

Finding the Right Equipment

The proper equipment will depend greatly on what it is that you intend to sell. Visit a reliable company like All Star Carts & Kiosks when purchasing your vendor cart. They offer everything from hot dog carts to ice cream carts, allowing you to see a good selection. Consider the typical weather in your area. You may want a cart that comes with an umbrella for shade, or one that is enclosed, offering protection from the elements. If you’re hoping to be very mobile in your new career, consider a tricycle cart that you can peddle from place to place.

Choosing a Location

While you may think you know of a perfect location, you’ll need to make sure it is available. Many cities limit the number of street vendors that can sell in any given area. You may also find that there are date restrictions and time limits. Adhere precisely to any limitations in your area to avoid penalties or the loss of your permit.

Entering into a new business can be a daunting process. Some might think that a street vendor business is a simple place to start, but it truly requires appropriate planning, equipment and commitment. With those things, and the right permits, you’ll set yourself up for the best chance at success.

Age Appropriate Jobs – Let Your Toddlers Help By Doing Simple Household Chores ( Momimhar posted on June 22nd, 2015 )

While I was doing the laundry last night, my darling daughter K was helping me load the dirty clothes in the washer.  “Mommy, I want to help you,” she said.  So  I let her pour the laundry detergent into the washer and the fabric softener in the dispenser.  K wanted to put the wet clothes in the dryer so I let her put the small ones in there, too.  She wanted to do the controls so I guided her through the control buttons on the dryer.  She was very happy that she did all that.  She said, “I’m a grown up girl now, mommy.” K’s so proud of herself.

This is to share with y’all that toddlers can be a great help in your household.  With proper guidance and supervision, your toddlers can do the job you assigned to them without a hassle.  Though your work sometimes gets more complicated, yet teaching them the concept of responsibility is great help to them especially if they are very willing to learn.  In the long run, they will offer help to you.  Do not refuse.  You are also helping your toddlers gain their self-esteem and self-worth.

But don’t overdo it. Don’t let your toddlers do the hard work.  What I mean is that, let your kids do the age appropriate household chores.  A guideline of age appropriate household jobs for kids are listed at

We don’t have to expect that they work has to be perfect.  Remember we are guiding them and supervising them, too.  Praising our little ones for helping us makes them proud.  “Well done, honey.  Thank you for helping,” makes their day.

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Categories: family, family values, home, household chores, kids, parenting, responsibility, toddler stage

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