Category Archive:Living

Here’s How To Make A Living As Vendors ( Momimhar posted on September 2nd, 2015 )

I believe in saving for rainy days so there will be resources to use when we need them.  Saving money for the future is highly recommended.  And looking for good alternative ways to earn a living should be taken seriously.  Owning a family business is one great opportunity that we should not take for granted.

The popularity of street vendors has increased in recent years, with many vendors targeting business centers where they can offer their wares to busy workers dashing out for a quick lunch or snack. With the potential to own their own business and set their own hours, many vendors find the position to be a very desirable way to make a living.

First Things First

Starting out as a street vendor, it’s important to make sure you obtain the appropriate permits. Check with your city or county government to determine what you’ll need. In general, you’ll need a business license and a sales tax permit in addition to a vendor’s license, but be sure to check as this varies from state to state. If you’ll be selling food, many counties also require you to participate in a course from the Department of Health on proper food handling.

a-ice cream vendor

Finding the Right Equipment

The proper equipment will depend greatly on what it is that you intend to sell. Visit a reliable company like All Star Carts & Kiosks when purchasing your vendor cart. They offer everything from hot dog carts to ice cream carts, allowing you to see a good selection. Consider the typical weather in your area. You may want a cart that comes with an umbrella for shade, or one that is enclosed, offering protection from the elements. If you’re hoping to be very mobile in your new career, consider a tricycle cart that you can peddle from place to place.

Choosing a Location

While you may think you know of a perfect location, you’ll need to make sure it is available. Many cities limit the number of street vendors that can sell in any given area. You may also find that there are date restrictions and time limits. Adhere precisely to any limitations in your area to avoid penalties or the loss of your permit.

Entering into a new business can be a daunting process. Some might think that a street vendor business is a simple place to start, but it truly requires appropriate planning, equipment and commitment. With those things, and the right permits, you’ll set yourself up for the best chance at success.

GPs vs Hospitals: Who to Call? ( Momimhar posted on August 21st, 2015 )


There are many paths you can take when you are sick; what you should do will usually differ depending on the specific circumstances you are facing. If your condition is life threatening, you need to call an ambulance. Otherwise, it can be tough to know whether the GP (General Practitioner) or the hospital is most appropriate. If you don’t know who to call in any particular situation, here are some things you should consider – stick this on your fridge or in your diary for fast access; you never know when you might need it.


The severity of your condition will be a significant indicator as to who you should call when you are sick. If you have the flu or any kind of viral or bacterial infection, you are probably better off talking to your GP, as these are relatively minor conditions. If you are suffering from more serious symptoms, such as fainting or trouble breathing, then you should definitely consider calling your local hospital.


The duration of your illness, as well as its severity, can determine who you should call or where you should go. If you are displaying symptoms that have lasted more than a week, the hospital should be your first contact. Anything before this should warrant a call to your local GP, who may be able to help you by prescribing appropriate medication.


Younger children are at greater risk of having a more severe reaction to conditions that may barely trouble teenagers or adults. If a child is sick, take into account the symptoms they are showing as well as their age. Any child that is younger than six months and seems to be displaying symptoms such as fever or vomiting should be taken to the hospital straight away.


Immediate Attention

If you require immediate attention, definitely call the hospital or try to get yourself to the emergency room as fast as possible. If you are calling on behalf of another person and you can’t move them or get them to the services they need, you can always call an ambulance to come and take care of them. Home doctor services such as Doctor To You are another option if you think your issues are not severe enough for emergency services to be called.

There are many different things you should consider before calling or visiting your GP or your local hospital, and the factors listed above are some of the more important. It can sometimes be difficult to make such a decision, especially if you are sick yourself and not functioning properly. If you are in a position where you don’t think you can make an informed decision, do not be afraid to ask a friend or family member to help you out.

Are you a GP? Alternatively, do you work at a hospital? What are the most common mistakes your patients make when deciding where to go for their particular ailments? What do you do when you have to make such a decision? Why? Leave your tips, advice and experiences in the comments section down below – your comment might just help someone else out of a pinch!

We Can Fight Malnutrition ( Momimhar posted on March 19th, 2014 )

Proper nutrition is very important especially to children.  This is to help them grow healthy and strong.  Without proper nutrition, kids will get weak immune system and resistance that lead to sickness.  There are millions of children around the world who suffer from malnutrition.  A few reasons are poverty, less resources of food, and lack of awareness on health.  Non-profit organizations are reaching out to countries to help fight malnutrition.  Programs that include healthy food awareness are implemented accordingly to encourage households to take part.

There are also non-profit organizations that engage in child sponsorship programs.  They help kids from the low income households to get sponsors to be able to assist them with school needs, nutrition, and wellness.  This is such a noble thing to do.  Helping the unfortunate children go to school and maintain healthy living is a great pledge.

On the other hand, the community should also engage in helping these kind of programs to succeed.  Cooperation between the lower government officials and the people in the communities can make these happen.  Livelihood projects for earning, good healthcare assistance, and nutrition awareness programs should be implemented with compassion so the children will benefit in many ways.  In this way, we will overcome hunger and malnutrition.


In our own household, we can help fight malnutrition by eating the right diet and getting rid of bad eating habits.  Foods from the food groups Go, Grow, and Glow foods should be present in each meal daily.  Like I said, this is very important to keep our kids and family healthy and strong.

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