Category Archive:college

Online Writing Service Can Help With School Projects ( Momimhar posted on October 26th, 2015 )

a-student writing

This is another exciting year for me and my whole family.  My youngest sister got hired at a local hospital and one of my nieces just started college this year.  We’re very proud of the girls.  My niece is taking up Hotel and Restaurant Management course in one of the popular colleges in Ormoc City.  I am happy to say that she is very interested in this course.

As we know, college is a new experience.  Unlike high school, everything in college needs to be promptly accomplished with diligence and patience.  Most of the subjects, depending on the courses taken, are intense that you do not even have the time to go out to have a little fun because your focus is to finish the requirements to get good grades.  And if you are a working student, time is very important.  An effective time management leads to a successful problem-free and worry-free school year.  I was a working college student so I know how hard it is to manage my time to work and study.

I tell you, the new generation now are very lucky that technology is easy and convenient.  The Internet can be accessed for free in most places where free Wi-Fi is offfered.  That means they can do research papers on a subject matter more conveniently.  The Internet is one of the effective tools to find and obtain knowledge.  It is a tool for everyone to take advantage of when it comes to gaining or gathering information.  There are many great helpful sites that college students like my niece can use with their school projects.  Research and comparing information is very important to obtain more resources.  Honestly speaking, not all people are good in writing.  I am one of them.  And I think my niece needs help with writing her term papers and stuff, too.

Online writing service like can be of help not only for my niece, to other students, but also to everyone who are not confident with their writing skills or doesn’t have time to do their writing assignments.  Here’s why:

  • The complexity of the writing task is handled by professional writers.
  • Services rendered:  Essay writing, Proofreading, Resume, and Presentations
  • The type of writing service is flexible based on the complexity levels.
  • Affordability of service.

The website is easy to navigate and each subject matter is categorized accordingly.  If there is one thing I would like to improve in the site, it is the font size.  The text in the contents are a little small for me though.  Anyway, I think this is an outstanding online writing service that will give you quality essays, term papers, case studies, etc. for a minimal charge.

In college, you will be taught and trained intently because you are taking the field you are most interested in so when you’re done, it will help you become someone you want to be.  A little help wouldn’t hurt.  Hopefully my niece will finish her college education with flying colors.  There are many challenges in the years ahead but we are willing to help her along the way.

Guess Who Is Going To College? ( Momimhar posted on May 4th, 2015 )

Two young family members graduated five weeks ago.  My niece and nephew,my younger sister’s kids, finished high school and elementary levels.  They both received the Most Behave award in their respective classes.  On the other hand, my other nephew (my brother’s son) received the Best Achiever award during the Recognition Ceremony at his school.  He will be in Third Grade this coming school year.

My niece IJ is entering college in June.  She is pretty much excited.  We are too.  Another member of the family is going to college.  Not so many kids can get a college education, you know.  That is why we are doing our best to help and assist our young ones with their needs in school.

I asked my sister if her daughter has something in mind what course to take in college.  She said my niece wants to take a Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) course.  Yet she said her husband wants IJ to take teaching.  IJ is not interested with that.  I told my sister to follow what her daughter’s interest.  If she finds HRM difficult, she can always switch courses.  But I believe that there is no difficult field as long as you have the interest to do it unless you do not have the financial support for it.  But we can always find a way to provide especially when we see our kids study hard.

And so, my two sisters accompanied my niece to the school for enrollment process.  She had her entrance examination, finished paper works, and got interviewed as well.  The three ladies went home happy for the enrollment’s done.  The next thing to do is buy school supplies and new uniforms for our students.

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Categories: college, education, enrollment, family, hotel restaurant management, kids, siblings

Pool Party On 18th Birthday ( Momimhar posted on July 26th, 2014 )

Hybrid Rose - LT's 18 roses

Hybrid Rose – LT’s 18 roses

Our friend’s daughter LT turned 18 today and she invited us to celebrate the special occasion with her family, friends, and the Wesley Fellowship.  It’s a pool party and it was a great evening for a pool party today.  My darling daughter was happy to see her godparents.  But her most favorite thing of the day was swimming in the pool.  Dear husband bought a kid’s swim vest for DD the other day.  Gladly she wore it in the pool because she didn’t like wearing one when we were at her cousin’s swimming party last summer.

The party was held in a neighborhood’s clubhouse where one of our friends live.  Holding a party in clubhouses is also a good idea.  Kitchen and other room amenities in the clubhouse can be used in gatherings.  But of course, you have to rent it.  The number of guest are limited since the place is not that very big.

The birthday celebrant’s immediate families on both side of parents came all the way from Chicago to join and celebrate her 18th birthday.  It was really nice because her cousins were there, too. They had a great time playing games and swimming in the pool.  There were plenty of food and drinks for everyone.  There was also a photo booth that LT’s brother had set-up for fun.  But we forgot to get our pictures taken.  I missed it.  🙂

Anyway, what I loved most at the party was the celebrant’s 18 roses.  They were lovely!  In connection to her going to college this fall, she picked the orange color roses to be her flowers for this occasion.  It is because she is going to University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) and orange is the university’s primary color.

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