Category Archive:enrollment

Reading Evaluation At Enrollment ( Momimhar posted on May 23rd, 2015 )

Reading as part of enrollment evaluation.

Reading as part of enrollment evaluation.  Photo was taken by my sister.

Few days ago, I think that was Monday, my sister enrolled my nephew into 7th Grade.  Before they can get in line and go through the enrollment process, my sister has to do a certain task in the school together with the other parents.  She and other parents cleaned up the school grounds.  Sweeping and raking dried leaves, weeding, and the likes.  Once they are done with the certain task, they can get in line for their kids’ enrollment.

Good thing my sister has all the requirements for enrollment.  She was complaining that there are so many enrollees for the 7th Grade.  I just couldn’t believe how messed up is the education system now in the Philippines.  K-12 was implemented IMMEDIATELY.  What in the world??? My nephew graduated from 6th Grade (supposedly finishes the Elementary level then will go to High School) now he has to enroll to 7th Grade.  I should be pissed off.  They should have implemented that K-12 to the 1st Graders last school year.

Anyway, as part of the enrollment process, all enrollees have to read in front of the enrolling teacher as an evaluation for sectioning, I guess.  So they got it done so next thing to do now is to buy uniforms and school supplies.  Classes starts in two weeks.

Guess Who Is Going To College? ( Momimhar posted on May 4th, 2015 )

Two young family members graduated five weeks ago.  My niece and nephew,my younger sister’s kids, finished high school and elementary levels.  They both received the Most Behave award in their respective classes.  On the other hand, my other nephew (my brother’s son) received the Best Achiever award during the Recognition Ceremony at his school.  He will be in Third Grade this coming school year.

My niece IJ is entering college in June.  She is pretty much excited.  We are too.  Another member of the family is going to college.  Not so many kids can get a college education, you know.  That is why we are doing our best to help and assist our young ones with their needs in school.

I asked my sister if her daughter has something in mind what course to take in college.  She said my niece wants to take a Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) course.  Yet she said her husband wants IJ to take teaching.  IJ is not interested with that.  I told my sister to follow what her daughter’s interest.  If she finds HRM difficult, she can always switch courses.  But I believe that there is no difficult field as long as you have the interest to do it unless you do not have the financial support for it.  But we can always find a way to provide especially when we see our kids study hard.

And so, my two sisters accompanied my niece to the school for enrollment process.  She had her entrance examination, finished paper works, and got interviewed as well.  The three ladies went home happy for the enrollment’s done.  The next thing to do is buy school supplies and new uniforms for our students.

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Categories: college, education, enrollment, family, hotel restaurant management, kids, siblings

Back To School Program ( Momimhar posted on May 25th, 2013 )

I am sure my niece and nephews are not looking forward to go back to school yet but they are excited about getting new school supplies and uniforms.  My brother and his family just moved to his wife’s place a couple of months ago, will definitely enroll his son to a new school nearby.  Actually, the school is just right across their house.  He will be in the Second Grade this year.

On the other hand, my younger sister’s kids are ready to be enrolled in the new grade levels.  My niece will be in Ninth Grade and my nephew will be in Fifth Grade.  Oh how time flies!  Seems like yesterday when I was playing pretend with those kids back home.  They are growing so fast.

My sister told me something about this ‘brigada’ thing they do before the classes starts.  It wasn’t clear to me at first because she did not elaborate what this ‘brigada’ thing really means.  I asked her what they do in the school before the enrollment begins.  She said parents have to do cleanup and weed removal using shovels.  This is a new program by the Department of Education called ‘Brigada Eskwela’ (School Brigade) focusing on school environmental cleanup, recycling, and the importance of school sanitation and hygiene.  The DepEd is teaming with parents, teachers, and other concerned people on this school maintenance program.  Well, it’s not a bad idea at all.  In fact, this will give the individuals something to engage with.  Helping the school and environment is a big deal.

Classes start on June 3, 2013.  Hopefully the balikbayan box will arrive and be delivered very soon because I sent the kids some new clothing.

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Categories: back-to-school, education, enrollment, family, niece and nephew, school

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