Category Archive:helpful tips

Check For This Safety Feature When Buying A Car ( Momimhar posted on September 26th, 2017 )

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

child safety car seat

As a car owner, one of the most important to me is the safety of my vehicle every time my family and I travel. It is not just something to compromise.  Car safety is a MUST.  I take it seriously.  Besides, my life here in the USA is not complete without a car.  It is one of the necessities to get around.  And car shopping requires patience and a little know-how.  Recommendations from family or friends should be taken into consideration because they can help with the decision-making in the long run.

Most people just look at car brands when buying one.  They don’t take the time to look at the features and mileage capacity.  All they think of is how they will look when they are driving an expensive car.  I am not about that. I am about economic and safety features. So what car safety feature should we check for when buying a car?

When my husband bought my car, he sought recommendations from immediate families and he checked ratings and reviews on the Internet.  He compared features and prices as well.  One of the main concerns when buying a car is the Latch System in the back passenger seats. The Latch System consists usually consists of two sets of lower Latch anchors and three top tether anchors which you will find between the back and bottom seat cushions in the back passenger seats. If you don’t know about it, you may check it out in your car now.  It is in compliance with the federal government law requiring cars manufactured after Sept. 1, 2002 to have a Latch System.

Over-head latch

Under the seat cushions metal latches. Your car’s back seats should have four of these.

With this Latch System, you child’s car seats or booster seats will be completely secured.  I recommend to go to your nearest Fire or Police Department for proper car seat installation.  This way, you are confident.  And to prolong the life of your car and your precious passengers, drive safely.

Keep a Humidifier Handy In Your Home ( Momimhar posted on January 9th, 2017 )

It is always during the fall and winter seasons when allergies hit my household.  I know it is normal but I admit it is very irritable.  What should we do to reduce or perhaps prevent allergies and sickness from getting worse? Stock up allergy medicines in our medicine cabinets, exercise more weekly, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink lots of water daily, and get a lot of rest whenever there’s a chance.  These are very helpful.  But winter time is not very friendly when it comes to health issues.  This is the time we get struck with common respiratory sickness like cough and colds.

Air-conditioning sometimes doesn’t help on this depending on the level of humidity inside our homes.  I am glad that the use of a humidifier can help balance the humidity level in the house.  The very first humidifier my dear husband and I bought three years ago was an invisible mist humidifier.  A couple of things I didn’t like about that one were buying filters and loud sound in the room.

I am thankful that Influenster has given me the opportunity to try Vicks EasyFill Cool Mist Humidifier for free.  It was one of the amazing gifts I received in December 2016.  It came just in time because we needed a new humidifier in the house.  We haven’t had a cool mist humidifier before.

Humidifier Demineralization Cartridge (TWT500) to help prevent white dust.


Quiet operation

Easy Fill

Easy to clean


No filters needed

Requires demineralization cartridge (hard water)

Vapor pads slots


Bigger than the average-sized humidifiers

A little pricey

If you want a quiet humidifier and you don’t want to buy filters more often, I recommend Vicks EasyFill Cool Mist Humidifier.  As for me and my household, this device is very helpful.  I have a child who is very sensitive to low humidity so I say this product is a keeper.


I received this product complimentary from Influenster for testing and review purposes.  

Interested in getting free product samples? click here for free sign up.

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Categories: allergies, health, helpful tips, home, home remedies, humidifier, respiratory health

Why Do We Get An Ear Infection? ( Momimhar posted on December 7th, 2016 )

Hi there!  How’s everybody doing?  As for me and my household, we are currently dealing with common cough and colds including an ear infection.  You heard it right.  Ear infection.  My darling daughter and I have it right now.  She will be finishing her medication in two days, and I just started last night.

It was very an unexpected thing.  This is the very first time my daughter had an ear infection since birth.  As far as I can remember, I never had an ear infection in my life.  My ears are prone to clogging though, because my ears produce lots of wax.  And normally, the ear canal cleans itself but there was a time years ago I had a clogged ear that I had to go to the doctor and have it flushed.  Now, I am dealing with this ear infection because my ear was very painful yesterday morning.  On a pain scale of 1 to 10, I could say the pain intensity was 8.  I took two 400 mg Ibuprofen to subside the pain.  When the pain was gone, I went to CVS Minute Clinic to have my ear checked.  Soon as the nurse practitioner cleaned my ears, she said the eardrum in my left ear (where it was hurting) was red.  I told her I woke up in the morning with a painful ear.  She prescribed an antibiotic to be taken within 10 days.  I hope this thing heals fast.

Like I said my daughter and I are having colds right now.  She even had a cough.  She woke up in the middle of her sleep one night crying because she said her ear was hurting so bad.  I was worried and nervous but couldn’t do anything.  I tried to comfort her calmly but it didn’t help.  Then I thought of giving her a pain reliever medicine to help ease the pain so she can go back to sleep.  She didn’t go to school the next day because she had lack of sleep and I took her to the doctor in the afternoon. She had an ear infection.

Aside from taking an antibiotic, K was also doing a breathing treatment using a Nebulizer for five days because she was wheezing. It helped get rid of the coughing.  We are going to see her pediatrician on Monday for a follow up check up.

Why do we get an ear infection?  It is caused by a bacteria or a virus.  When we have a cold, flu, or allergy, our nasal passages, throat, and eustachian tubes (in the ears) get swollen and congested that possibly leads to an ear infection.  It is recommended to see your health provider if you are experiencing ear pains.

Oh how hard it is when you get sick.  Even if only one in your household is sick, it feels like the entire household is not feeling well. I am hoping we all get well very soon because we don’t want this.  We keep eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and sleeping and resting good.  Plus, taking the proper medication to help treat the sickness.

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