Daily Archives: 04/19/2014

Easter Weekend At The Grandparents’ House ( Momimhar posted on April 19th, 2014 )

We woke up early today to prepare and pack for our trip to the grandparents’ for the Easter weekend.  The little one has been asking me and her daddy when are we gonna go to Nana’s house.  So yesterday we told her that we’re going to see her grandparents and celebrate Easter at their house.  She was very excited, as usual.

"Let's go mommy."

“Let’s go mommy.”

We have so much stuff when traveling-three travel bags (mine, DD, and DH), one vanity bag, one handbag for books and special toys that includes DD’s lovey bunny, and one bag for snacks and drinks.  Traveling with kids especially with toddlers require a little more time of preparation.  That is why packing the day before the trip is highly recommended.  Aside from clothes and the necessities mentioned, moms like me have to make sure that everything is in the bags.  As for me, I have to take extra diapers and wipes because my DD is under 5 years old and I still let her wear a diaper when we are away from home.  Although she is potty trained now, I don’t want to risk it having accidents of pee or poo anywhere.

Our car is super packed today because we brought the cooler.  We bought some wine and a few drinks in this evening’s dinner.  Most of the family came over and joined the celebration.  We made a few stops to get some gas and lunch to go.  I drove all the way to the grandparents’ house.

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