Daily Archives: 04/16/2014

Egg Hunting At The Park ( Momimhar posted on April 16th, 2014 )

It was a pleasant day for Egg Hunting.  My cousin’s Moms Group (where she’s a member) hosted an Egg Hunt last Wednesday at the Founder’s park in Wylie (Texas).  She invited me and DD to come and join.  My darling daughter was so excited while we were filling the plastic eggs with treats.  We brought some eggs to share and scattered on the ground and hid them in small trees.

Egg hunting begins.

Egg hunting begins.

DD filling her basket with colorful eggs.

DD filling her basket with colorful eggs.

Cousin A finding some eggs.

Cousin A finding some eggs.

But the girls were more interested in playing at the playground.   "Higher, mommy!" "Weee!"

But the girls were more interested in playing at the playground.
“Higher, mommy!”

Our girls got to go find the eggs first as the president of the Moms Group announced ages 1-3 go first.  As they pick up eggs, they shake them first.  Smart!  After checking out  what they got, which didn’t took very long, they headed to the playground quickly.  The girls had fun.

My cousin introduced me to a few of her acquaintances in the group.  They’re friendly.  We didn’t get to talk much because we were all busy tending and watching for our kids.  My cousin and I have circle of friends but I am not in a moms group.  Maybe one of these days  I will be able to think more about joining a moms group.

How about you?  Have you joined any group in your area?

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