Category Archive:graduation

Today Is The Day – Kindergarten Graduation Day ( Momimhar posted on May 31st, 2017 )

Royal blue graduation gowns.

Kindergarten graduation.


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Categories: education, graduation, kids, Kindergarten, milestone, school, special event

Adorable Lace Front Wigs For All Occasions ( Momimhar posted on May 30th, 2017 )

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.

Oh my…it is the last week of school. Summer is just around the corner.  I can feel the summer heat already.  Speaking of last week of school, this week is my daughter’s Kindergarten graduation. Yes, my friends.  K is is First Grade ready. I am very excited.  The folks are coming over for K’s graduation day. It is a very special day for the family.

I am trying to get myself ready for the special occasion-beauty wise. Yes, my friends. I would like to look great on my daughter’s graduation day. But my skin is not cooperating. My hormones are messing up with my plans. 🙂 At least I would like my hair to look amazing. I have a thin and frizzy hair. It is hard to manage as well. Going to the salon is just not a thing for me-time wise. So I am browsing the Internet for wig websites.

Yup. Considering to wear a lace front wig would be a great idea. There are many selections of lace front wigs on that are very adorable. I hope will be able to find the perfect one.  The sooner the better. This is the time that will challenge your time management and budgeting skills. So wish me luck, my friends.

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