Category Archive:working mom

Busy Week Subbing Can’t Wait For Spring Break ( Momimhar posted on March 11th, 2017 )

What a week. Since I started going back to work, as a substitute teacher at my daughter’s school, my house has become unorganized. I had two pending Balikbayan boxes which I just shipped out this Saturday.  Then I have more stuff left for another box to be shipped out to my family in the Philippines before my nieces and nephews go back to school in June.  School is out end of this month so they will be in summer vacation starting April 1st.

I started as a substitute teacher at K’s school February this year.  I subbed in a few classes in Kindergarten, in First Grade, and in Fourth Grade.  The recent sub position I took was for the Librarian Aide.  So I worked at the library for three days.  It was fun and a little busy because it was testing week at the school. The testing was conducted in the computer laboratory so the computer classes were joined other classes at library times.

Next week is Spring Break and I can’t wait for our trip to Beaver’s Bend State Park in Oklahoma. My darling daughter is excited as well. We’re going to explore the park again. Right now, I am finishing a few house chores and will go to the playground later.

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