Category Archive:tantrums

Toddler Tantrums ( Momimhar posted on November 22nd, 2014 )

My husband and I were so disappointed and embarrassed today.  Our darling daughter didn’t cooperate when it was time to take our portraits at the photography studio this afternoon.  I set this appointment to have our family portraits taken because the prints will arrive in about two weeks.  Then we still have time to have our greeting cards for the Holidays.  But we had to cancel because, all of a sudden, our daughter had tantrums.  She didn’t want to go to the photo room.  And worse, she was crying all of a sudden.  We were all dressed up, looking great and then we had to leave because she didn’t compose herself.  She’s feeling fine.  We told her about today’s schedule last night.  Now our weekend was ruined.  Time wasted.  Her daddy was very upset that he let her think about what she did all afternoon.

Then this evening at bedtime I asked why she was crying at the studio.  She said she wanted to go to the playground.  Well, I told her already that I will take her to the playground after the photo shoot and lunch.  She just wanted to get what she wants right there and then.  Well, she has to learn how to wait and be patient.  We have things scheduled and we have to get them done first before we can go have some leisure time.  She apologized to her daddy and me before going to bed.

I don’t know if we can still have the time to get our portraits taken next weekend.  We will be busy traveling for Thanksgiving Day.

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Categories: behavior, family, kids, motherhood, parenting, tantrums, toddler stage

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