Category Archive:deck the halls

Spreading Christmas Cheer To All ( Momimhar posted on December 10th, 2016 )

Happy Holidays, everyone!  How are you doing?  Are you starting to relax now from the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping and decorating? Whether you are hosting a party or not, it feels nice to see our homes all decked up for the Holidays.

Speaking about shopping, I tried very hard not to spend too much on home decorations this year.  I had so much Christmas decorations from the past 8 years, and honestly I am not ready to get rid of them. Anyway, I would like to share some holiday cheer from my home to yours.  I am not very good at home decorating but I did my best. 🙂

Big flower arrangement by the entry way.

Now this big flower arrangement was quite expensive because it was priced $20 at a local garage sale. I bargained for half the price but the seller’s lowest price was $15.  I bought it anyway because I really, really liked it.  It looked taller on the round oriental vase.


Christmas table runner and poinsettia placemats

Do you enjoy decorating for the Holidays? I do.  As soon as the stores put their Holiday decorations on discounted sale, my family, friends and I buy whatever we can find that we like.  Most of my Christmas decorations and pieces were more than 5 years old.  These poinsettia placemats were given to me by my mother-in-law.  Aren’t they pretty?  The table runner was from Ross.

The centerpieces were bought from a on online local garage sale.

candle holder – $.50

crystal vase – $5

crystal candy dish – $3

colored balls and fillers – $2

Glass Christmas ball cardinal decor


Mesh Christmas wreath with cardinal bird and nest.

This mesh Christmas wreath was also given by my mother-in-law two years ago.  She won this at a raffle (door prize) at a Christmas Party with her group of friends.

I am so feeling festive now. I love Christmas season. How about you?

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