Aye! It’s back to school again. We finished our back-to-school- shopping this week and my darling daughter had a lot of fun picking and buying her clothes and school supplies. Not much supplies needed for 4th Grade which is nice. Haha. We also had to buy a new pair of headphones because her old ones got worn out.
I know many of you are hesitant to send your students to the classroom this school year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whatever decision you make, I hope you kids are gonna be happy. Safety is very important so is happiness. We are in a difficult situation where we have to weigh in the most significant reasons. Our kids needs the utmost patience, understanding, guidance, and support from us parents in these uncertain times. Whatever learning methods you choose for your kids (virtual or face-to-face/in-person/classroom), I wish everyone the best of luck. I hope our kids will have a great school year.
My darling daughter is doing classroom schooling. We will be fine. 🙂
K is in 4th Grade! Yay!