Daily Archives: 07/09/2017

Summer Fun Activity: Swimming Lessons ( Momimhar posted on July 9th, 2017 )

Open swim at YMCA

Speaking of swimming, we registered darling daughter in a swimming class at YMCA.  It was a 30-minute swimming lesson for eight days with open swim for parent and student after each lesson.  Because K cannot swim five feet distance in a 5-foot deep water, she is a beginner which makes her join Level 1-Water Acclimation.

My darling K is enjoying her swimming classes so far. Her swimming instructor seemed to be competent.  Swimming instructors at YMCA handles at least two to maximum of four students per class.  K wants to continue and in two weeks, she will be in Level 2-Water Movement.  Hopefully she will become more confident in the water so she will learn a lot in the next level.  I need to buy her swimming cap and goggles next weekend.

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