Category Archive:indoor outdoor activities

Summer Fun Activity: Swimming Lessons ( Momimhar posted on July 9th, 2017 )

Open swim at YMCA

Speaking of swimming, we registered darling daughter in a swimming class at YMCA.  It was a 30-minute swimming lesson for eight days with open swim for parent and student after each lesson.  Because K cannot swim five feet distance in a 5-foot deep water, she is a beginner which makes her join Level 1-Water Acclimation.

My darling K is enjoying her swimming classes so far. Her swimming instructor seemed to be competent.  Swimming instructors at YMCA handles at least two to maximum of four students per class.  K wants to continue and in two weeks, she will be in Level 2-Water Movement.  Hopefully she will become more confident in the water so she will learn a lot in the next level.  I need to buy her swimming cap and goggles next weekend.

Kids After School Activities For Physical Development Health And Fitness ( Momimhar posted on May 10th, 2017 )

What do you and your kid(s) do after school?  Does your child have after school activities like swimming, martial arts, music lessons, dance and art classes, gymnastics, and workshops that he or she will continue attending while on summer break?

I know some of my mommy friends send their children to one or two of the activities I mentioned above during the week after school.  My darling daughter was in a ballet class two years ago. She doesn’t want to do that again because she said it’s boring. 🙂 We also tried to put her in tumble and ballet combo but still she got bored.  Then we tried gymnastics with ASI Gymnastics Trial invite last year before Kindergarten. She enjoyed it-lots of activity in each session.  She went once a week that time and looked forward to the next class.  I noticed then that she really enjoyed gymnastics. But I have three things in mind that I want her to do this summer-swimming, piano, and gymnastics.  But with our schedule, I think I will drop one. It is hard to decide since all of them are very essential.

My husband and I should talk about this with proper consideration because availing these classes are not cheap.

Winter In Texas – Snow Today ( Momimhar posted on January 6th, 2017 )

Collecting snow for a snowball.

We got a bit of snow this afternoon around 1:00 P.M. here in North Texas.  My darling daughter kept telling me since this Tuesday about the possibility of snow because her teacher said so.  I checked the weather forecast and it was clear all week and the freezing days are Thursday to Saturday.  I found no chance of  snow or rain whatsoever.

We lit up the fireplace yesterday because it’s freezing.

But when I was entering Walmart store to buy a pair of mittens for K close to one o’clock this afternoon, I saw flurries falling from the sky.  I thought it won’t last long.  As soon as I got home, the flurries turned into snow.  So when my darling daughter arrived from school,  we put on our winter coats, winter boots, and mittens then went outside and play in the snow.

Snow covering the weeds in the flower beds.

The water in the bird bath got frozen.

Throwing snow at me. 🙂

You know children are naturally curious individuals.  They always check on little things wherever they go, and whatever they do they will always ask  questions.  And we should be keen and ready to answer their inquiries.  One of the things that amazes them is snow.  What is snow made of? Why does it snow?  We know that snow is composed of snowflakes.  So K was checking the snow and saw snowflakes formation.  She said to me,

“Mommy, snowflakes have different shapes right?

“Yes,” I said.

Naturally formed snowflakes differ from one another through happenstance of formation. (

She found two and pointed at them so I can see.  I won’t even see them immediately, those tiny little snowflakes on the plastic chair. 🙂

Two tiny snowflakes. K’s pointing at one of them.

We had fun playing in the snow.  K’s most favorite thing was when she found two beautiful snowflakes.

K’s outerwear – Hawke & Co. Outfitters (birthday gift from dear friend)

Boots – Crocs (gift from Na-Na and Paw-Paw)

Panda hat (from Na-Na)

Mittens – Faded Glory

Jeans/Pants – Gymboree

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Categories: fireplace, home, indoor outdoor activities, kids, snow, Texas, winter

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