Monthly Archives:June 2016

Parenting Challenge: Be Firm ( Momimhar posted on June 2nd, 2016 )

My darling daughter is growing fast that I am almost not aware that she will be in Kindergarten this year.  Oh how I adore her being so sweet and smart.  Sometimes, but not very often, she is testing the length of my patience.  Like what happened during our vacation in the Philippines two months ago.

My niece and nephew.

My niece and nephew enjoying a night’s swim.

It was a very fine evening at the Sabin Resort Hotel.  My siblings and their kids were with us spending the weekend to swim and have fun since it’s summer vacation and the school is out.  My niece and nephews were swimming that night.  K saw them in the pool and she asked me that she wanted to join them.  I said no.  Because as you know, she already get in the pool around 4:00 P.M. and I told her that if she go swim, she’s not gonna go night swimming with her cousins after dinner.  I asked her twice if she really want to go ahead and swim without her cousins.  She said yes.  Okay.  So I let her because she insisted, and she agreed she won’t get in the pool again after dinner.

When she’s done swimming, we had dinner with the family at the resort’s restaurant.  After about an hour, my niece and nephews went ahead and swim in the pool.  K saw them having lots of fun – splashing and chasing each other.  But kids are kids, you know.  K was jealous.  She came to me and asked if she can go in the swimming pool and join her cousins.  “See.  They’re having lots of fun,” she said.  I reminded her about our agreement.  I told her that we talked about that earlier.  Calmly, I recalled everything to her.  But of course, K gave me that sweet-begging-kind of look on her face.  It was precious but I have to be firm.


She really wanted to go in the pool.

She said, “I will just sit down on the edge of the pool and feel the water on my feet.”

I said, “Not even that one.”

See our kids sometimes play tricks on us.  If we give in, we lose.  They will think that we don’t have one word.  We have to be firm on what we agreed on.  It is part of good discipline.

I am glad that my daughter didn’t fuss on that. She knew her boundaries there.  To take her attention away from the swimming cousins, I suggested we leave the pool and take a walk towards the seawall.  And guess what, we found a treasure.  A hair tie. 🙂

Blue hair tie. Finders keepers. :)

Blue hair tie. Finders keepers. 🙂

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