Monthly Archives:July 2011

Going To A Party ( Momimhar posted on July 23rd, 2011 )

A friend’s son is celebrating his first birthday.  My daughter is invited to his birthday party today.  It is going to be in their home in Dallas.  I asked my husband’s permission beforehand because I know how he hates driving in Dallas.  I haven’t drove to the area before and he is kind of hesitating to allow me to drive.  But he will (suggesting to take I635 and I20).  My friend’s house is quite a distance from where we live.  So my husband is going with us to the birthday party.  If I am not mistaken, this is my baby girl’s first birthday party (for a child) attended.

Be Inspired By Your Family ( Momimhar posted on July 21st, 2011 )

I am sentimental person.  I  easily get into ‘senti’ and emote mode whenever mellow music are playing on the radio at home.  And touching words and inspirational thoughts have a big influence in my life.

Family is very important to me.  Whatever guide and help I can get on parenting, relationship and family interaction, I will take it.  One way of looking for inspirational words is getting useful Quotes about Families online.  It doesn’t only touches my heart but brightens my relationship with my family too.

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Categories: family, family quotes, home, lifestyle

Like A Hero ( Momimhar posted on July 19th, 2011 )

My younger sister sent me a private message on Facebook asking if I can help her on something.  I asked what’s the problem.  My nephew and four of his boy classmates broke a sink.  It is the sink in their school’s bathroom. Uh oh.  He is in trouble.

When I called my mother last night, I asked her how did that happened?  She said that my nephew and his classmates pushed the bathroom door so hard so their girl classmate can get out because she was locked in.  They were like a hero for saving this young girl from being locked in the bathroom.  I asked why the boys did not call a teacher or somebody to help them.  Well, there’s no teacher around because it was lunch time when it happened.

My sister doesn’t have any money to contribute to buy a replacement sink.  So I sent her some together with my youngest sister’s allowance for the month.

Well, I guess it’s part of growing up.

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