Monthly Archives:December 2009

New Year Celebration Tradition ( Momimhar posted on December 31st, 2009 )

Happy new year! Greetings from me and the bright bundles.I called home and my mother said she’s making spaghetti and bangus (milkfish) escabeche for New Year’s Eve dinner. Oh boy! I missed that home-made spaghetti. Anyway, two of my siblings are with their families to celebrate the welcoming of year 2010. My father said he does not have fireworks or firecrackers because it is sprinkling and he thought it might going to rain. Well, it does not matter. They will make some noise to welcome year 2010. That’s for sure.

Another option is to do banging of pots and pans, shaking coins in tin cans, or blowing horns (like we usually do). What matters most is, the tradition of the New Year celebration will never be forgotten as it brings love, happiness, and goodwill to everyone.

Occasions Are More Enjoyable When Celebrated With The Family ( Momimhar posted on December 30th, 2009 )

If only my family can send pictures to me through email, I will be happier. I know everybody had fun on Christmas Eve back home. The kids loved their presents (that my mother and sister wrapped for them). The youngest nephew received a toy truck that he really liked. The niece and other nephew received toy pianos. My mother told me how excited and anxious they were to open their presents. The rest of the family got simple little things. They all appreciate the gifts.

I wish my husband and I were there celebrating Christmas and the New Year with them. Who knows, we will get the opportunity to travel back home for a holiday vacation in the near future. That would be awesome!

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Categories: Christmas gifts, holiday vacation, New Year celebration

Christmas Carol Over The Phone ( Momimhar posted on December 24th, 2009 )

Speaking of Christmas carol, my niece and nephews sang a Christmas song to us over the phone…Christmas In Our Hearts and We Wish You A Merry Christmas.

After the singing, they said “We love you aunt and uncle!”

Oh, they are so sweet. They will be receiving their Christmas presents early next year 🙂

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Categories: carol, Christmas, family

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