Last week my darling daughter and I went out to the yard to do her Science assignment. It was about Living and Non-Living Things Interactions. So we did. It was quite chilly outside that day but we successfully accomplished the task.
Darling daughter also took a few pictures so she can send them over to her Science teacher thru Google Classroom. It was a lot of fun.
My mom smelling the flowers. – K
An Eastern Bluebird on a power line.
A mockingbird chirping on the roof of our house. – K
And just like that, we all are in Shelter-in-Place. Well, it wasn’t very clear to me what is Shelter-in-Place is according to the Collin County press conference a couple of weeks ago. After President Trump announced that the country is in the State of Emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we started quarantining since we got back from our yearly Spring Break traveling the week of March 16.
Our school district announced an extended Spring Break week to help them plan. And by the end of the that week, an announcement from the district was sent over social media via emails stating that they are closing the schools for the health and safety of everyone. It was until April 3rd then school closure is currently moved to May 1st. It is still unclear if the school will reopen in May but I am expecting that we will be in Distance Learning for the rest of the school year.
This is the third week of our home schooling and we are doing great so far, I guess. How about you? How are you all doing in this distance learning thing?