Category Archive:computer

Learning How To Use Technology At The Library ( Momimhar posted on January 28th, 2017 )

Checking for books.

If I remember it right, this is the second time K and I visited our local library since the school started in August.  We couldn’t attend the Story Time for All Ages on Tuesday evenings because our bedtime is around 7:00 P.M.  and the story time is scheduled at 6:30 P.M.  The story time on Wednesdays and Fridays are for toddlers and are scheduled during school hours. So obviously we’re not able to go as well.

This afternoon we got the chance to go to the library because K wanted to borrow DVDs. We have a collection of kids’ movies on DVDs at home but it gets boring, you know.  She enjoys being at the library.  She reads a few books. Sometimes  I read to her. What fascinated her most was searching for books and DVDs at the computer kiosk.  When K started to try using the computer kiosk, she used a step stool to reach the keyboard.  Now, she doesn’t have to use one anymore.  She can reach the computer keyboard and she’s very happy about that. This way K will know if her favorite books like Pete the Cat and Hippoposites and DVDs like Kubo and My Neighbor Totoro are IN or OUT.  The library is one of the places to take your children for learning and reading.  There are activities and special events for kids’ according to age and interest that local libraries organize all the time.

I need to allot more library time on the weekends.  As for the story time, we will catch up on that in the summer.  We always participate in the Summer Reading Club.

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