Category Archive:story time

Daddy Went To Story Time With Us ( Momimhar posted on April 23rd, 2013 )

Daddy came with us to the Toddler Story Time at the library Friday morning.  We had a few errands lined up to accomplish that day but I asked him to go with us since we’re all going to town.  And so my husband drove us to the library early because tickets to the Toddler Story Time go out quickly on Fridays.  I though I won’t be able to get three tickets.  But the librarian was very kind.

Because we were 15 minutes early (Story Time starts at 11:30 A.M.), my darling husband went to the bank and gassed up the car.  And he came back just in time for us to get in the room.  He settled himself in the back seats while our little princess and I were sat down on the carpet in the middle of the room.  Kids and parents began participating with the opening song.  The program for Toddler Story Time interests the young children because there’s singing, colors and shapes introduction, puppet show, and dancing.  Also, there’s a puppet show this Friday and I was very glad that my darling husband was able to witness the activities.

My darling husband thought it was a very neat program for young kids.  He said he is very proud of me and baby girl.  She is really interested in reading books and getting social with other kids, too.

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Categories: bonding, child's learning, entertainment, kids, reading, story time

The Puppet Show Today ( Momimhar posted on February 22nd, 2013 )

Today is one of those special day for my darling daughter.  We were informed last Friday at Toddler Story Time that there will be a Puppet Show today.  Yay!  Of course, my little girl was very excited.  She kept on mentioning about the Puppet Show.  See, activities like story time gives our kids the opportunity to enhance their social skills and get them interested with books.  It is also one of the ways to entertain them while learning.

Because I am having a hard time waking up early in the morning, I tried my best to sleep earlier than usual last night. There are lots of things to do.  As a full time mom, managing my time is difficult sometimes.  Gladly I was able to wake up at nine o’clock this morning – with the help of my cellphone’s alarm clock.  I thought my little princess will get up late but she woke up just in time for breakfast.  That’s good because we like waking up slow in the morning.

I drove the car faster than I should just to make sure that we make it to the library earlier before the story time starts so we can get tickets.  The library has this ‘No Tickets, No Entrance’ system in all story time session’s capacity in the room is limited.  Often times there’s no more tickets left for us.  But not today.  We’re very happy to get tickets!

After the Toddler Time program, the Puppet Show came next.  The story presented at the show was The Cat Came Back.  When it was over my darling said, “More?.”

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