Category Archive:girls

We Have A Cheerleader ( Momimhar posted on November 8th, 2023 )


Yes, you heard it right. We have a cheerleader. I am an official cheer mom now. 😀 I was a soccer mom, basketball mom, and now a cheer mom. It’s not for school, though. My darling daughter is currently in the competitive cheer. She joined the school’s cheer camp this summer because she was thinking of trying out for the school cheer. But she changed her mind and wanted to do competitive cheer instead. So, I’m sharing some photos from the first competition last weekend.

Cheer team photo

Well, it’s not the actual competition yet. It’s the gym showcase but there were judges there to give scores and evaluate routines. That’s what I heard. Anyway, I am kind of excited for our first season of competitive cheer. My darling daughter seemed to be enjoying it so far. As long as she’s having fun, that’s all that matters.

Bunny cheered for K and her team, too. 🙂

If you are a cheer mom or cheer dad, what do you think of this sport / activity? How’s your experience? I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you very much.

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Categories: active kids, cheer, cheer mom, cheerleading, girls, kids, lifestyle, sports

Playing Basketball Is Fun ( Momimhar posted on June 25th, 2021 )

Hello there! How’s everyone doing these days? I hope y’all are doing well and enjoying the Summer Break so far.

My family and I are doing great. We are keeping each other grounded and staying healthy. My dear husband works at home full-time now. That’s good news. Yay! That’s what he wanted. My darling daughter finished the Basketball Winter-Spring Season. She had a great time playing the sport. This is the second sport she tried since First Grade. I wonder what sport she would like to try next school year.

Here are some photos taken from the games against other school districts.

Playing in blue jersey. Go #13!
Go, Blue!!!

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Categories: basketball, girls, kids, physical development, sports, team sport

Senior Graduation 2021 and Awards 4th Grade Assembly ( Momimhar posted on May 26th, 2021 )

My nephew and his friend, Senior High Graduation Day in the Philippines.
Dear husband’s nephew Senior Graduation Day Party and cake.
4th Grade Awards Assembly
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