Category Archive:Asian food

About Me According To My Child ( Momimhar posted on October 11th, 2018 )

As I was cleaning up and organizing some of K’s school work from  last year, I took a moment reading one of her journals-the Work on Writing Journal-and I found this in one of the pages.


About My Mom

  1.  likes buffets
  2. has lots of rings
  3. lives (lived) in the Phillaphenes (Philippines)
  4. loves shrimp
  5. loves coffee
  6. loves me.

Isn’t this sweet?  I was touched reading this.  My darling daughter knows me well.

I would recommend looking through your children’s school journals.  You might find cute, sweet, interesting, or funny writings and expressions there.

*Corrections in open and close parenthesis.

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Categories: about me, about my mom, Asian food, journals, kids, love, milestone, school

Rice…Definitely ( Momimhar posted on March 11th, 2018 )

As we prep to do our grocery shopping, dear husband was making a list…

S:  What else do you want to add in the list, honey? Kaylen, do you need anything else from the grocery store? Ah, rice…check if you still have some rice left.

K:  Rice.  Definitely.

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Categories: Asian food, family, groceries, kids, shopping

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